// 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 (bathed in the moonlight)

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★ ─── 救い主

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★ ─── 救い主

"Plagg, I don't know what to wear..."

"Why don't you put on what you always do?"

"Because it needs to be special." Adrien boastfully puffed out his chest. "This is my first date, after all."

"Right... did Prince Charming tell you anything about where you were going?"

"He said we were going to be outside."

He flicked through everything hanging in his closet, yet nothing stood out. Sure, he wanted to be weather-appropriate, but he wanted to make a good impression even more so. Something that tells [Y.Name] that he can put together more than one outfit.

Eventually Plagg conceded after avoiding helping for a little while longer, and Adrien was driven to where the two planned to meet.

They strolled alongside the canal under the guidance of the street lamps hanging overhead. [Y.Name] startled him by suddenly acting as if he were going to push Adrien into the water as a joke, but it was otherwise peaceful.

Adrien glanced constantly at the hand dangling at his friend's—date's?—side. It brushed against his own due to how close they were standing,

He really wanted to hold it. But should he? What if [Y.Name] didn't want to, and he just made the rest of the night super awkward? Similar questions streamed through his mind without pause, Adrien completely zoning out from the sounds around him as he became trapped on the idea.

He was pulled out of it by a leading grip on his forearm, and [Y.Name] smiling comfortably. "The spot I found is just this way."

[Y.Name] guided him off from the path between buildings until they reached the bottom of a stairwell. They made the trek up, and Adrien's mouth fell open at the sight.

The view was beautiful, with the twinkling, vast sky clear and the tops of trees lining the streets below hiding pedestrians, giving a greater semblance of privacy as he spent time with one of his favourite people in the world.

[Y.Name] rummaged around in his backpack, pulling out a thick picnic blanket and a lantern, setting it up on the floor.

They took a seat, relaxing into a position that worked with the concrete beneath them.

"I couldn't fit in as much as I wanted to, but I brought something from the kitchen for us to share," [Y.Name] told Adrien.

From his bag of plenty, he produced a small container, snapping open the lid. Nestled inside were two cupcakes, a simple vanilla based on their appearance, with a swirl neatly piped on the top.

[Y.Name] gestured for him to take one and set the other down, giving forewarning prior to him taking a bite. "Just to let you know, my mum was the one who made these. So if it tastes like garbage, let me know. I'll be sure to pass it along to her."

Adrien smacked him weakly, thrown off by his own alarm. "Don't do that! I'm sure it's fine." To further his point, he chomped down on almost all of it at once, chewing pensively. He tried his hardest to not make a face at the overly strong, artificial vanilla flavour, but [Y.Name] laughed all the same. Adrien—unconvincingly—added, "It's really not that bad... The icing is nice, at least."

Nodding along to the claim, [Y.Name] snickered."Oh really? I better give it a go."

The blond held the container back out to him, only for something to swipe along the corner of his mouth. He couldn't even register what had happened before the top of [Y.Name]'s thumb disappeared behind his lips. "Hmm, you're right. The icing's not too bad." His head tilted up with a smug smirk. "You've still got some on your face, though. Do you want me to—"

"No, I've got it!" Adrien yelped, quickly leaning away and wiping off what he could feel sitting on his skin. "Did I get it off?"

"Yeah, you did..."

"You don't have to sound so sad about it."

[Y.Name] laid back on the blanket with an upset huff. Adrien followed suit soon after, resting his cheek against the teen's shoulder and tracing a finger down his knuckles, pouting. "[Y.Name]," he whined, drawing out the vowels. "[Y.Name]. Hey, [Y.Name], [Y.Na]—"

He couldn't make a proper game out of it before he was silently interrupted. [Y.Name] spread apart the fingers and seized Adrien's hand, loosely holding it and effectively shutting him up. After a beat, he pointed at the sky.

"Did you know that those stars there form the constellation Ursa Major?"

Adrien squinted, figuring out where he was pointing. "Do they really?"

"No. It all looks exactly the same to me, so it could honestly be anywhere." [Y.Name] looked at him with a shit-eating grin on his face. "I bet you would've acted impressed, regardless."

"You're right. I wouldn't have had the heart to say that I had no idea what you were talking about."

"Well, we can always pretend to know."

The pair stayed for another half an hour, naming random stars and immediately losing track of them after turning away. As the night continued to crawl on, the wind picked up a freshness that had Adrien shivering.

"I thought I told you to dress warmly."

"You did," Adrien agreed. "But I also wanted to put on something nice..."

"This is why I've come prepared." Once again, he pulled something from his bag. [Y.Name] handed him a jumper. "Put this on under your coat. It'll keep you warm until you're inside."

"Thank you."

He quickly slipped the jumper over his head and pulled his coat back on. The inside of the fabric still had a subtle fluffiness to it and, if he wanted to, Adrien could pull the sleeves up to the end of his fingers.

"We should probably start heading back soon." [Y.Name] packed away the picnic blanket and slung his bag over his shoulder. "Shall we?"

This time, instead of hesitating, Adrien held his hand. "Let's go."

Walking together, [Y.Name] became overly conscious of the soft rubbing of jewellery against his skin, lifting their joined hands to examine Adrien's ring in more detail. "Is this the sort of style that you like?"

The blond jumped a little at the question. "Oh, yeah. How come?"

"It doesn't hurt to keep track of these kinds of things," [Y.Name] asserted. With it already near his face, he pressed a chaste kiss to it. "It's nice."

Any similarities that it held with one of the most well-recognised pieces of jewellery in Paris were briefly pushed out of his mind.

Adrien collapsed onto his sheets with a content sigh, still bundled up in the jumper he'd borrowed to hold the warmth it had built up. He sat up against his pillows and pressed his nose into the collar. "I wonder what cologne that is..."

"Ugh, stop being weird," Plagg complained. "I already had to sit through that, but now this?! You're ruining the taste of my sweet, sweet camembert."

He completely ignored the kwami, flopping onto his side with a giddy grin.

[Y.Name] probably won't be getting his jumper back for a while.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐆𝐔𝐘 • adrien agresteWhere stories live. Discover now