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I actually was about to text him when my someone knocked on my door.
„Come in!" I said. Wonwoo came in and sat down on my bed.
„What do you want?" I asked him.
„I'm bored!! Please let's go and do something" I just giggled and said „Why don't you meet one of your friends Wonu? I'm exhausted".
For a second he looked kind of sad but then his expression changed. „YOU ARE THE BEST!!" he shouted and I just laughed „I know". He just playfully hit my shoulder. „One of my friends from another City actually came here! I'll ask him if he'll come over! I have not seen him for some time now!!".

With that he left my room and I went back to what I was doing. I started to think about what I could send Chan to not make it sound awkward.

While I was still thinking I heard the Doorbell ring.
„Y/N can you please open the door? I'm still cleaning my room a little!" Wonwoo shouted from the other room.
„Sure!" I just shouted back and ran downstairs to open the door.

I thought that his friend Jihoon. He is from Busan and he is visiting every now and then.

As I opened the door and saw who it was I just stood there for a moment and it actually took me a moment to realise who it was. The person standing outside was as shocked as I was because he didn't say anything.

A moment later he broke the silence and said „Wonwoo Is your brother?".
I just nodded my head and let him in.
„I knew this house was familiar from the outside! It's because you showed me earlier!" he said laughing.
„Yes I did Dino" I joined him and started laughing as well.
„I should have recognised your house earlier" he giggled „It has just been like 3 Hours since you walked me home".
„Well you are new so It's fine! You don't need to remember every single part of the city today" I just said.

„Where is your brothers room?" he asked me.
„Just follow me! I'll show you" I said as I walked upstairs with Dino as we stopped infront of my brothers room. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again and said „Your Majesty! May I interrupt the probably very Important thing you are doing? Prince Charming has arrived" I said jokingly what made Dino laugh.
I also heard Wonwoo laugh from inside his room.

„I'm not done yet Princess Y/N! You may go to your room with Prince Charming! I will come and join your little tea party once I'm done cleaning the Throne!" my brother replied.

Dino and I just looked at each other and laughed.

I just gave him a look that said »Follow Me« and so he did when I started going to my room. I opened the door for him and said „Ladies First".
He looked at me and said „I thought I was Prince Charming!" He fake gasped what made the both of us laugh.

We both went inside of my room as he started to look around while i just jumped onto my bed.
„I missed you sooo much!! I had to leave you for some minutes but don't worry I am back!!" I said to my bed.
I just looked at Dino who was trying his best not to laugh.

He just looked around some more minutes and asked me some questions.

„You have nice pictures on your Insta profile" he said out of nowhere.
„You too!! They look so professional! You look really good in those pictures" I returned.

Some more minutes passed and we both sat on the floor just talking when my brother came in.

„I see you too get along well huh?" He said smiling. It somehow makes him really happy when I get along with his friends.
„Yes I do but that's probably just because of my Teacher and not because of you" I said and Dino nodded.
Wonwoo just looked confused.

Dino stared to explain.
„The Teacher was supposed to show me the school today but he had an Important meeting so he told Y/N she should show me the School and so she did. We also grabbed some Ice cream after school".

After he was done explaining he smiled.
„Oh right! I still need to pay you back!".
I wanted to get up but he softly held my wrist as he said „I already told you it's fine! You really don't need to pay me back! It wasn't expensive"

„Okay! But let me pay next time!" I said.
„Maybe" he said and smiled.

Wonwoo cleared his throat as Dino and I looked at him.
„I see you two are friends... But can I at least join you two now? I haven't seen Chan In a long time".

„You don't need to join us! You wanted to meet him so the both of you can go to your room now" I said smiling softly.

Wonwoo just returned that smile and so did Dino.
„Okay c'mon Chan" my Brother said.
„Okay!! Bye Y/N" Dino said.
„Bye Dino! Bye Wonwoo!~" I said smiling at both of them as they left my room.

My new Classmate || SVT Dino FFWhere stories live. Discover now