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I hugged him goodbye and saw him leave as I went inside.
I greeted my parents quickly and went to my brothers room.

I decided to knock on the door.

"Come in" I heard from the inside.

I walked in and saw him laying on his bed on the phone.
As I walked in and sat beside him he but his phone away.

"Wonu.. I have a question about Chan.."

As I mentioned Chan he sat up straight and looked at me. He just looked at me and so to asked.

"Is it normal for Chan to spend much money on his friends?"

Wonwoo looked at me.

"define Much" He said.

"Well.. He payed for Ice cream 2 times now. He also always pays for our Drinks at Starbucks. Today he bought this necklace and bracelet for me and they really were not cheap..."

I showed my brother the necklace and Bracelet.

"Hmm... To be honest I can not tell you if he does that a lot or not. I usually don't go out with him but spend time with him here at home. And when we order food he usually lets me pay, but that's because I insist on paying. Maybe he lets me do if because I am older than him HOWEVER you are younger than him which makes you his Dongsaeng. Maybe he is paying because you are younger."

What he says makes no sense but so much sense at the same time.

"It's just.. he spends really lots money on me. And it's not that I am not thankful, I really am, but it's just a lot and I don't want him to be poor in two weeks you know?"

Wonwoo laughed at my statement.

"He really got some good taste though. The jewellery looks good" Wonwoo mentioned.

"I have to agree with you on this one" I giggled.

"You should go to sleep. It's getting late"
My brother said.

"Okay. Good night Wonu~~~" I said

"Nighty" He said back and I left his room and went to my own one.

I did the typical routine.
I removed my make-up, put my hair in a messy bun and wore my pyjamas.

I send a short [Good Night] to Dino, set my alarm and went to sleep.

Chan P.O.V

After I walked her home I made my way to my home.

As i got there my parents were watching TV. My younger brother was nowhere to be seen so I assume he is in his or my room just doing what he does.

I decided to sit down in the living room as well and watch some TV with my parents

"I'm back" I said as I entered the living room.

The both turned to look at me and greeted me back with a lovely smile.

"How was your Date?" my dad said as if it was the most normal thing, as if he was asking how the weather was.

"Dad, I am not dating her..." I said and shook my head at him.

"You never brought anyone home and now that you brought a Girl home and even slept in the same bed with her you are telling me you are not dating her?" my dad said and i just looked at him.

"We are friends Dad. And I never brought any Girl home because I don't have any female friends beside her."

"C'mon let our son be" my mom said before my dad could say any more.

Around 10 minutes later I decided to leave to my room since we've been out pretty long and It was late.

I told my parents good night and got ready to sleep. I lay down on my bed and turned on some random series on Netflix.

I was really into the show until I got a pop-up message

1 New message
Y/N🐼: Good Night Channie :)

I Smiled at my phone and send a message back, but she didn't read it anymore so I assumed she already fell asleep.

I thought I should probably also sleep and so I put my phone aside, covered myself with the blanket and smiled.

My bed still smelled like her a little.


OMG I'm SO sorry for not updating in so long, school has been really beating me up the past years I haven't posted... And i forgot that I had some drafts in here yet to publish 😭 Please forgive me :(
I still can't promise to be active cuz the finals are coming around in 'bout a month but I'll try to maybe write a chapter or two tomorrow since i don't have school:)

In the meantime, enjoy the 2-3 chapters that I had sitting here as drafts and collecting dust since 2022 🥲

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