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Went to his room. We both put our backpacks on the ground and sat down on his bed.
As we were talking a little bit about random stuff such as how he likes the school and city so far, it started to Rain again.
I hate days like these. When the weather changes so often on just one single day I get tired. And today was not an excuse for my tiredness. It showed up, as always.
I started to yawn.
Chan saw it.
„Am I that boring?".
„No Chan! You are not boring, I just always get tired when the weather changes a lot" I stated.
„You can take a nap if you want to. I don't mind" he said smiling.
„I wish I could" I laughed awkwardly „ I just can't sleep without hugging my big teddybear plushy". I was a little embarrassed to be honest, but he didn't seem to be shocked at all, he also doesn't laugh.
„Do you think you could sleep when I hug you? Maybe I'm not your teddybear but it might help. I don't want you to sit here being that tired" he said and smiled a bit.
„I-I think so" I smiled a little embarrassed.

He didn't say anything. He just started to back hug me and laid down with me.
„Sleep well" he whispered.
I smiled. I closed my eyes and suddenly i feel something light on my body, I opened my eyes once again to see that he covered us with his blanket.
„Try to sleep now" he said in a calm tone.
„I will" I whispered tiredly and with that I fell asleep.

She fell asleep very fast. I just looked at her. I couldn't really see her face but I bet she looked cute. I pulled her a little closer so I could warm her a litte more. I wanted her to feel save and comfortable.
I happened to fall asleep with her in my arms.

I prepared some snacks for the kids in the kitchen.
I called my Husband so he can give it to them.
„I'll be right back" he said as he took the plate and brought it to our son's room.

Some moments later he came back without the plate.
„You need to see this" he said.
„See what?" I asked curiously.
„Come with me".
I went to Chan's room with him. He opened the door a little and what I saw was Chan and Y/N sleeping while cuddling.
I stared to smile when I saw them. They really looked adorable.
„So he did grow up" my husband whispered.
„He did, our little Chan is now a big boy" I said. We closed the door of his room and went back to the Living room.


I woke up and saw that I was already dark outside as I looked out of the Window In Chan's room.
I didn't know if he was still sleeping but I definitely didn't want to wake him up so I didn't really move.
I closed my eyes again, but not to sleep again, just to relax.

Only a few minutes later I felt something on my cheek. I didn't dare to open my eyes.

„Wah, why is she so cute?"
someone whispered. I knew that someone's voice. It was Dino.
And what was that on my cheek?
It was Dino's lips. He kissed my cheek.
It made me feel comfortable somehow. And It made me feel like I'm home.

As I thought about what just had happened, I felt how Dino started to play with my hair a little.
I smiled, knowing that he cannot really see it.
After he placed another small kiss on my cheek he shook me lightly and whispered calmly.
„Wake up Y/N", as he said that I turned around and opened my eyes. I just now realised how close we actually were.
I smiled him and quietly said „thank you".
He looked at me „Thank you for what?"
„The kisses on my cheek, playing with my hair, making me feel save and for helping me to fall asleep" I said.
His eyes widened „You've been awake while I was doing that?", „Yes, I was. I know you thought that I was sleeping, but I actually woke up a few minutes before you did all that."
„I'm so sorry! I rea-.." „Chan! It's fine! it made me feel save and warm. I'm thankful! Thank you for doing that."

He just smiled.
„You need to treat you future girlfriend like this and I can tell you! She won't be leaving you" I smiled back at him.
He started to chuckle lightly.

„I promise you, I will" he chuckled.

I hugged him and said „Thank you once again for everything you've done since yesterday! You already are so important to me! It feels like I've known you for years" I said.
He hugged me back „No need to thank me! I'm just trying to be a good friend"

In that moment we heard someone clear their throat. Chan and I both looked at the door and saw his Mom standing there.
„Mom-... How long have you been standing there-?" he said nervously.
„Don't worry I just got here. I wanted to say that I made some snacks for you two. Your Dad and I brought them here when you two were still sleeping and cuddling, they are on you desk." with that Chan's Mom left.

„So she saw us.. I'm so sorry Y/N.. My parents are like that"
"It's totally fine", i replied, „We were just cuddling. Imagine we would have done something else and they would have seen us" I started laughing
„Oh hell no! I would be dead by now" He also stated laughing.
„By the way, Can I maybe stay over night? It's already so dark outside." I asked him shyly.
„Sure! You can always stay here if you want to!" he said and I smiled.
„Should we eat the snacks now?" he asked me. „Sure", „Okay let me get them".
He got up and brought the snacks to the bed. We both sat down on his bed and started eating.
„We still have out Coffee!" I remembered.
He stood up again and got us our coffee.

„I'll call my brother and tell him that I'll stay here over night" I said and looked for Wonwoo's number in my phone.

I called and waited for him to pick up.
„Y/N?? Where are you?"
„I'm at Chan's. I'll stay here over night."
„Ohhh.. Have fun then" my brother said. I just know that he is smirking.
„Yah! Don't even think about that!!" I scolded him.
„Okay okay haha Take care! Love you!" he said.
„Love you too, Bye" I hung up.

I put my phone away and then saw Chan holding one of the snacks right infront of my mouth. He looked at me and nodded, signaling me to open my mouth and so I did. I smiled while eating and so did he.

After we've finished eating and drinking, we decided to watch a few dance videos.

We ended up getting the Idea of making a dance together so we could present it in our dance class and get some extra points for that class.

„Chan? Can I have one of your shirts for dancing? I just saw that mine got a little dirty."
„Sure!" he went to his closet and gave me a black shirt.
„Where can I change?" i asked.
„Right here. Don't worry I won't look. I'll hide myself under the blacket"
I chuckled.
„Okay then hide now Chan"
As he started to hide himself, I started to take off my uniform and put on my Trousers, Chan's shirt and, of course, my bucket hat.
„Okay I'm done" I said, „Now it's my turn to hide" I giggled.
„You don't really need to hide" he said.
„are you sure?"
„Yeah. I mean I don't have Boobs that you could look at" he laughed.
„Well okay then".

He started to take off his shirt.
I saw his body. He didn't have abs but thats not important at all, he looked good just the way he is. He was really not that build but that made him look perfect to me.
He now took off his trousers, but I didn't look down. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or anything + I didn't care what his lower body looked like. I just looked at his face.
He got his dance outfit and put It on. When he was fully dressed again, he walked up to me and stood right next to me.
„Now we have the perfect partnerlook. It's even more similar then before" he giggled.

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