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„Chan?" I asked in a low voice, because we were still in our english class.
„Hmm?" - He turned to look at me.
„Would you maybe want me to show you the city sometime?" I asked him, smiling a little.
„I really appreciate that, but I don't want to waste your time" He just continued to look at me
„Oh don't worry about that! I have literally nothing to do after school" I giggle softly and with that he started giggling too.

„Y/N! Lee Chan! Could you please continue to work on your
exercises?" our teacher said, while sounding a little mad.
With that we just looked at each other one more time and started working on our exercises again.

After some minutes I saw a little piece of paper laying on the right side of my desk. I opened it to see if something was written on the paper.
When I opened the paper, that was folded in half, I saw a long number.
It actually took me some time to realise that it was someone's phone number.
I looked around when I saw Chan looking at me and waving.

I smiled and wrote a little note back to him.
I wrote "Why did you gave me your number so suddenly? ^-^" and folded the paper in half.
I waited for a moment to make sure the teacher wasn't looking and quickly put the note on Chan's desk.

He looked at the note and a minute later I got my answer.
"I thought you wanted to show me the city and we have to meet up for that, right? ㅋㅋㅋ"

I tried not to laugh, but when I heard the school bell ring, meaning that class is dismissed, I just started to giggle.
I packed my things when I heard Chan was saying something.
„You have a beautiful handwriting" he stated.
I just smiled and continued to pack my things while he was waiting for me, so he wouldn't get lost in the school building.

„Okay! I'm done packing!" I said smiling.
He smiled back at me. „Let's go then" he said, while already taking a few steps towards the door.

Since the teachers had a meeting with the principal all together, school ended early today.

„You wanna grab some ice cream?" He asked me. I smiled, but then remembered something „I left my money at home today."

He just smiled „No worries! It's my treat." „Noo! You don't have to!!" I said „You don't have to spend your money on me".
„Do you want ice cream or not?" he firmly asked, probably already knowing the answer.
„Yes I want, bu-.." he didn't even let me finish my sentence „You want some, so we'll get some. I need to give something back to you for showing me the school"

With that us two went to a nice ice cream shop near the school and sat down outside, since the weather was quite good.
The waiter came and took our order.

„I'll definitely give you that money back tomorrow" I insisted.
„No, you won't" he said smiling provocatively.

My new Classmate || SVT Dino FFWhere stories live. Discover now