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I left the room and went to get my brother. I didn't even bother to knock at the door because I know he is probably just playing his game.

Once I opened the door I saw that I was right. Wonwoo was playing his computer game. He heard that I came in so he paused his game to look at me.

„Is everything okay? I thought Chan was with you. What are you doing here then" He asked me kinda confused.

„Don't worry, everything and everyone is fine! I just wanted to ask you if you could come over for a while. Dino and I are choreographing a dance to get some extra points for our Dance class and we wanted to show you what we came up with and wanted to hear what you think about it" I told him directly to not waste time and let Dino wait.

„I'll just finish this round, okay? I'll come over right after" a soft smile appeared on his face.

„Okay! I'll go back now and practice with Dino a little more, just come whenever you are done!"
With that I left his room and went back to mine.

„He is playing games right now but he'll come over after he is done" I told Dino as soon as I came back into my room.

He was sitting on the floor, looked up to me and nodded.

„Do you want to drink something Dino? we can go to the kitchen and grab something" I asked him because he looked kinda thirsty to me.

He again nodded and we made our way to the Kitchen. I got two glasses and a bottle of water. I brought everything to the table Dino was sitting on and poured some water in our glasses. Afterwards I sat down next to him.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs so I assume my it was my Brother.

And Bingo. He came, got himself a glass and sat down with us.

„The dancers are taking a break huh?" my brother said and I chuckled.
„I'll just wait here with you guys and then I wanna see what you prepared! I'm excited now!." My brother added

Dino and I drank our water as fast as we could and went up with Wonwoo.

„Sit down on the bed Wonwoo" I told him and so he did.

Dino turned on the music and we started to dance.
I was focusing on the dance but still looked at my brother every now and then to see his reaction - and I can tell you! he was shocked! He probably expected something else then this.


After we were done dancing, Dino and I sat down on the floor to catch our breath.
Wonwoo just looked shocked and nothing else.

„Eh-.. What was that-.. Wow" Wonwoo said and I guess he was kind of overwhelmed with the dance.

„My baby sister is all grown up now.. I see" he said while wiping away a fake tear and I got up to hit his arm.

Dino was just laughing and enjoying me being mad at my brother. I mean - yes I am his little sister but I absolutely hate it when he calls me 'baby' in any kind of context.

„Wow his reaction remind me of my parents" Dino said still laughing.

Now Wonwoo and I laughed too.

„I'll leave you two alone now" Wonwoo said and left.

Dino and I kept practicing so the dance looks even better. We concentrated on details.

After we were done we decided it would be good to take a shower.
I let Dino go first so I could prepare my room for his stay.

I turned on the TV because I thought it would be a nice idea to watch a movie on netflix later.
I closed my curtains so the sun does not shine in my room too bright in the morning and I prepared a second pillow for Dino.

I got some snacks and something to drink and put it on the nightstand.
Since I can dimm the light of my lamp I decided to do so, so it's not too bright but also still bright enough for us to see everything and not fall.

After I was done setting up everything and getting my things that I want to wear later so I could take them to the bathroom with me.

Dino came out.

„Ohh it looks so nice and Cozy here!" Dino said. With that I looked at him and I immediately looked away

„Why aren't you wearing your clothes yet?" I said when I saw that there was just a towel around his waist.

„Since you'll now go and take a shower I thought I might just dress up here. Oh before you actually go to take your shower - Here"
He went to his bag and gave me another one of his shirts.

„You can wear it if you want to, if not just keep it for sometime else"
He said.

„Thank you!"
I left the shirt I actually wanted to wear In my closet and went to take a shower now.


While Y/N was gone and took a shower I changed into a pair of swim shorts and wore a white shirt on top.

While I was waiting for her to get ready I already sat down on the bed and allowed myself to look through netflix a little. Not necessarily to choose a movie but just so I can see if there is something cool that I could maybe watch when I'm bored.


I was done taking a shower. In the shower I also removed my make-up. This is gonna be interesting because Dino has not seen me without make-up before. When I slept at his place I did not remove my make-up because I was so tired.

I dressed up in some tight, long sports leggings and Dino's Shirt. I topped of everything with a messy bun but let two strands of hair hang next to my face.

When I came out of the Bathroom Dino was sitting on the bed, doing something on his phone.

I tried to come closer to him as quiet as I could, but he heard me.
The next thing I heard was the sound of his phone taking a picture.
He looked at his phone again and started smiling

„Cute" he said, looking at me now.
„You look really cute without make-up y/n" he said still smiling at me.

I blushed a little because of his words, as always.

„Now come here" he patted the free space next to him on the bed to signal me I should sit there.
I did not hesitate to do so.

I sat down next to him and he put his arm around my shoulders.
I chuckled lightly and came a little closer to him so it's more comfortable for me.

„Is there something you want to watch?" I asked the boy next to me.

„Not that I know about" he giggled.
„how about we choose something random?" he suggested.
„just close your eyes and pick a random category, then I'll close my eye and pick a random movie, okay?"

I nodded. I took the remote, closed my eyes and chose a category/genre.

Afterwards I gave him the remote with my eyes still closed. I didn't wanna see anything until I head sound.

„Okay I'll pick now" he said. I assume he closed his eyes. I didn't see since mine were still closed. After some more seconds I hears sound so I opened my eyes.

„What category did I choose?" I asked him.


as a little apology i'll upload a few parts today

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