Chapter 1: "Why did you do it?"

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Later that night after I had signed my fate to the dooms, I roamed the corridors of my house, trying to reduce my stress levels. I really want- no need- to talk to Dumbles, but Merlin knows what he is doing! He is extremely busy- so busy that he can't even take an urgent call, forget about making any time for me. Ever since I had handed him the book that Voldie had gifted me, he had been distant. I sighed in dejection and continued to walk with my dispirited thoughts.

Suddenly, I heard a cry coming from a nearby room. I frowned in confusion- this is the West Wing; no prisoners here. So, who is crying at this hour?

To my utter surprise, the cries were coming from the study where my father used to spend his time. And even more surprising was finding that the person shedding the tears was my mother. My mother had never shown much emotion and seeing her in this state was definitely something new and also heart wrenching. Something great must have happened to make her react in such a manner.

Ignoring the sudden urge to comfort her, I made myself invisible to investigate further. I wanted to know what her source of sorrow was. The words I heard were definitely the most surprising thing, considering all the 'surprises' I had gotten for the night alone.

"This is all your fault, Lucius," she screamed at the portrait of my father who was frowning sadly at her. What is with the indifferent members of my family suddenly becoming human?!

"You have brought this doom to my house. You and your obsession with power! You manipulated my daughter! You made my daughter a Death Eater!!!"

She didn't want me to be a pure-blood fanatic?

"Not only that, even my son is in jeopardy," she wailed. "All gone down to the paths of darkness and cruelty. I didn't want this, I never wanted this! But what were your words- this is the only way to protect our family! Tell me now, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy- is our family safe? Is it protected? Where are you now, huh? Where are you?!"

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy...? She is really mad at the moment!

"You... You are rotting in Azkaban while my son is being threatened; I am being tormented and my daughter is becoming a deranged sadist. Our daughter- the glory of our house- the cunning and intelligent girl- she... she is losing her soul.

"And my son, whom you have moulded into your personal puppet! He who doesn't even know what to do except run to you for each and everything! You never let him think for himself- made him dependent on you like you were his backbone! And now when he needs your support the most where are you?!!!!"

I had to bite my hand to stop myself from whimpering seeing her wail like this. I never knew what my mother had been going through all these years. I had always thought of her as a 'perfect lady from the elite Black family'. I never knew she even had this side- the caring and emotional one!

Had she always covered herself up because of her family? Was she under the paws of my grandparents? Was it fear that made her suppress herself?

I didn't know the answers to the questions, but I did know that my perspective towards my mother had changed. Newfound respect paved its way into my heart towards my mother who, I realised, would always be there for me and Draco. I had never truly appreciated her but today I could see myself in her. I could see where my thoughts and manipulative skills had come from. I could see what she had gone through to keep our family upright. I also understood now that I would be forgiven by her for whatever mistakes I would ever make; she would always be there for me.

Realising this I couldn't stop a tear from falling. Impressions of love, gratitude and affection warmed my heart but the guilt I held for the judgement I had given made me feel ashamed.

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