Chapter 5: "He'll understand with time"

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Draco froze setting his eyes upon the wizard who was causally lounging at our table. He looked as though he had a severe case of constipation. On the other hand, Sirius was examining him with narrowed eyes. I was pretty sure my hair had turned blue again.

Sirius broke the silence by saying, "At least now we know that he is not a metamorphagus. A shame really!"

Now, Draco snapped his head towards me, his mouth hanging open like a goldfish. He darted his eyes towards Sirius and me every now and then, still not believing the news that had been dawned upon him.

Getting a mischievous idea, I quickly captured a picture from my camera and smirked.

"Perfect blackmail material!" I victoriously said. This definitely snapped him out of his trance.

"What-? How-?" he asked astounded. It was amusing to see him like this.

"Well, we all have our secrets, do we not? And we have decided to spill it to each other tonight. We are going to spike our drinks with Veritaserum. If you wish to know our secrets, join us but you will have to make an unbreakable vow to never betray us," Sirius said sternly.

I knew that he was too damn curious to know the mystery behind our uncle. He wouldn't back out of this.

Draco narrowed his eyebrows, "What if I disagree after you have told me your secrets?"

"Do you know what happened to Gilderoy Lockhart?" he asked while twirling his hand in his hand. Okay, don't threaten him! He's still my twin!

The other rolled his eyes and said, "Let's hope I don't turn into an attention-seeking prat by the end of this."

"Weren't you already?" Sirius and I asked together.

Let the fun begin!

"Metamorphagus; that why I glowed 'golden'. And an elemental too," I said after taking a swig of my drink.

"32-year-old Azkaban victim in the body of a charming and handsome 16-year-old teenager," Sirius said.

"Uhh... I can do non-verbal magic?" Draco asked. Good enough!

"Alias by the name of Armonia Diligistis," I said looking down, not trusting myself to see his face.

"WHAT?!" he shouted. Luckily the place was blaring with music. "You are the reason why he is in that place?!"

I weakly nodded, tears dropping from my eyes. I was pretty sure my hair was blue by now. Hearing him shout those words at me punched my heart. I felt so sorry. What had I done?! I had brought misery to my own caretaker!

Sirius squeezed my hand reassuringly. We sat in silence while Draco contemplated the news. I knew he was devastated by it. He cared about our family more than I did at any rate. This made me sob even harder.

"It- It must have been difficult- capturing him," he croaked out weakly. He was also crying but that made me fling my arms at him. He wanted to understand my part; he too wanted to give me the benefit of doubt. He was understanding and compassionate, and I couldn't have asked for a better brother!

"It was!" I said, tears still rolling down my cheeks and my hands wrapped tightly around his body. He fiercely hugged me back- our hug drowning our sadness and grief. And cocooned around his body, I narrated the whole story of my life.

I waited and waited for his answer. After what felt like a decade, he slowly pulled me out of the embrace and wiped my tears softly.

"You are a strong person, Stella, to have chosen the right path; to not have been blinded by relations and blood," he said softly and slowly. "And in a way, you gave justice to the people who had been killed and tortured by him."

"But he was always there for us! And I- I betrayed him!"

"It may feel so for now. But believe this- he'll understand with time. He will understand that all people are the same and love should be there for everyone. Blood status doesn't matter. He'll proud of you."

We smiled at each other when suddenly a glass knocked at our table.

"I am an illegal Animagus," Sirius said proudly. Way to ruin the moment dog!

I rolled my eyes, but the feeling of a heavy burden had been taken off my shoulders entered my soul.

"Me too!" Draco excitedly said.

"WHAT?!" I shouted. This was a surprise.

"I was getting bored during the summer holidays in my first year. You were learning about Alchemy at that time. And after I had seen those things in the Forbidden Forest," he shuddered, "I wanted to prepare myself."

"You are afraid of the Forbidden Forest?!" Sirius asked mockingly. "I think you took the wrong path."

"Well, if you faced Voldemort in there, it would leave a long-lasting impression on your eleven-year-old mind."

"Really? What happened?" he asked curiously.

"Never mind that now. Tell me your form," Draco asked excitedly.

"It's a dog," he said proudly. "And what's yours?"

"Guess the animal that's sly and cunning," he asked shrewdly.

We both pretended to be thinking, knowing what was going on in our minds.

"A ferret?" Sirius 'guessed'.

"We are not doing that again!" he shook his head rapidly.

I grinned evilly and said, "Well, aren't we getting moody?"

Draco groaned and said, "Kill me now!"

"No, you are too much fun!" we shouted.

"Of course, I am!" Draco huffed.

"But seriously what's your form?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Yes, me-ly, say!" Guess who said. Draco and I rolled our eyes at that.

"It's a fox, duffers! A beautiful, proud, sly white fox," he said, dreamily like Luna.

"Beautiful like Minnie?" Sirius asked grinning.

"Yes, beautiful like Minnie... wait! No!" Draco banged his head on the table.

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