Chapter 4: "Since when did you giggle?"

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Draco and I had never been as close to each other as we currently were. I guess we could count the last time being when had shared our mother's womb. For years, we had been drifting apart- well, that was my fault; considering the fact that I had decided to keep my identity a secret since I was- what, six?

I had made the biggest mistake of my life- I had never appreciated my family. I had been arrogant enough to think that I was above them and they were on the wrong path. I had underestimated them and for that, I was genuinely sorry. You could say that being a close friend of Harry Potter would have made me realize what family meant; well, obviously not! I am such a fool!

For the past two days, I had tried coming closer to my family far more times than I had done throughout these years. Interestingly, Draco and I had found out we were similar to each other in more than just looks. Just bridging our communication gap made us Weasley Twins! We could finish each other's sentences with ease- it's like we just knew what the other was thinking!

Mom would always smile whenever she would see us like this. She seemed happier than she had been in days. Draco and I had started calling her 'mom' instead of 'Mother' which made her happy and smile. We would also hug each other occasionally, something which was extremely new in this household.

To keep this away from everyone's eyes and ears, I had cast a blocking charm on their minds so that the Kraken would not be able to see these memories.

Another thing I had found from my mother while casting this charm was the actual reason she had insisted Draco accompany me to France. I was surprised to find that she thought over Dumbledore's words and decided that only love could bring me back from my 'dark' ways. The other interesting thing was where she had disappeared, two days ago.

She had literally taken an unbreakable vow from Snape to protect both of us in our tasks. She didn't want Draco to kill anyone to break his soul. Considering that my task was rather simpler and a non- soul breaker, she didn't add me to Snape's list of responsibilities. It wasn't practically possible too, was it? Imagine Snape trying to befriend Harry! Ha! Merlin would roll in his grave!

Draco and I were leaving for France today. Finally, today was going to be the last day I would have to remain this icy and indifferent. I would finally be out of this gloomy mansion for a fortnight. I couldn't wait! I felt sad that Mom couldn't join us but when Draco asked her, she adamantly refused.

"No way, Draco! Someone is required at the house, after all, it is the headquarters for the Dark Lord's plans," she said solemnly and firmly. Well, she was right! We can't get everything in life now, can we?

We bid mom goodbye by sharing an awkward yet warm hug.

"Take care," she whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry. We will be good," I said soothingly back and flooed to our summer house in France.

Draco and I had decided to share our secrets while we vacationed. We didn't wish to get caught by an eavesdropper in the house. The consequences would be uhh... terrible! But the thing that was making me nervous was what Draco's reaction would be when he met an additional tripper on our vacation.

Sirius and I had decided to give Draco the benefit of doubt but I had not been so sure of it.

"We will make an unbreakable vow if you are so doubtful," Sirius had said annoyedly. I couldn't blame him for being annoyed! You would be too if someone asked the same thing every second of the hour!

"But why do you wish to tell him EVERYTHING?! A few things are okay. But you want to tell him that you are his supposedly dead uncle?" I had answered back.

He had sighed and replied, "If we want to change him truly, we need to share everything with him. Sharing secrets will help him open up, believe me."

"But what if- if?" I had stuttered.

"Look, we will form an unbreakable vow that we won't leave each other's back willingly. We may never know if someone uses Veritaserum on the other, and so the keyword- willingly. And if he doesn't wish to keep it a secret, we will obliviate him," he had convinced me as well.

The summer house was grand and elegant; it had been brought by Lucius Malfoy who never wanted to lower the Malfoy standard. Or maybe make his children feel less comfortable. Thinking about him made me guilty as well as curious. I was curious about what Mom meant by saying those words 'we would be safe...'; and guilty cause- well you know why! I had started feeling even more dejected towards my actions seeing how I treated my family. They were good people and I had branded them bad. What if my father was a good man too?

Spotting Draco gazing at the house in awe, I decided to not let such thoughts enter my mind. I had taken a bloody fortnight off, just to get rid of my responsibilities.

"It's nice, right?" I asked casually.

"Yeah, it's... warm," he replied dreamily, reminding me suddenly of Luna. I giggled involuntarily which made him turn towards me. He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "Since when did you giggle?"

This made me giggle even harder. When did I become such a girl?

"Trust me, I have been trying to find the answer since I joined Hogwarts," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

Remembering Sirius, I became nervous. I said lightly, "Draco, freshen up, why don't you? And then we can go to a pub nearby?"

He only stared at me, looking at me dumbfounded.

"I don't want to sound rude but you kind of look... blue?"

"Well, I am worried!" I shouted suddenly and sprinted towards my room before my hair condition became even more apparent.

Just before I closed the door, I heard him shout, "At least tell me, what is a pub? Do I need to wear a robe?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his words.

Later that night, I found Draco's attire to be an expensive shirt with a tie. I only blinked at him and he gaped at my short black dress.

"You are not wearing that!" we shouted simultaneously.

"Don't do that!" Again, together.

"Ugh, shut up!" we groaned in annoyance at our sync.

I put a hand up to stop our flow of words and said, "People wear dresses like this where we are going. It is not your best friend's cocktail party that you are so bucked up. Find a plain T-shirt and come soon."

"But this is too short!" he exclaimed but shut up seeing my hard glare and went to change. Yup, I still had some things in control.

After a lot of bickering, we reached our destination- "Le Paradis Pub". We reached the entrance and I cleared my throat at the receptionist.

"Welcome to Le Paradis Pub," he greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Reservation under Sirius Black?" I asked nervously, glancing at Draco who was glaring harshly at me.

"Sirius Black?!" he whisper-shouted while following the person. "You booked a table under our dead uncle's name?!"

"Really? Am I dead?" a casual and amused voice entered our conversation. Damn Padfoot and his hearing abilities.

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