Chapter 13: "Works like a charm, always!"

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Hogwarts had always been my first home- the first place where I had been comfortable, accepted and been at peace. In my last life, I had made friends who accepted me even though I had come from a dark family and had a bad temper. They had accepted me even after I had almost killed Snape and blew Moony's secret to the latter. They were family. And as I looked at Harry, who was reading his potions book rather keenly, I couldn't help but think that I was betraying James.

I had thrown his friendship for Draco. The universe was mocking me. I had done the same thing last time too; the only change was that I had thrown my family aside for my friends. This time I wanted to bridge the gap between my two sides, I wanted to show them the grey lines in between. But I had not been given any chance by the three close friends, thee Golden trio. They avoided me everywhere- in classes, the common room, even the dormitory. Consequently, I befriended the other lonely Gryffindor in my year- Neville Longbottom. He was hesitant at first but then decided to give my friendship a shot. He didn't judge me when I sat with Draco or Stella, or stop and advise me over the same. He told me that he 'trusted my judgement' and that was it. I didn't remember the last time anyone had trusted my judgement.

"You got off with them on the wrong foot, didn't you?" Neville asked when he saw me eyeing Harry.

"I may have been rude," I said shrugging sheepishly.

"Sounds like you," he said.

"I have no idea what you mean," I said frowning slightly at him.

"Oh, let me give you some idea. Remember on your second day in DADA? Harry mocked Snape – 'There's no need to call me Sir, Professor'." Neville could mimic really well. "And you enjoyed Harry's cheekiness so much you changed your name from Sirius to Sir. You would only listen to Snape when he called you 'Sir' and you would wreak havoc otherwise. Rings any bell, Sir?"

"Ah, good days. But don't tell me you are sorry for Snape?" I asked him in surprise.

"No, but I do feel sorry for all the points you lost Gryffindor!"

"Oh, c'mon I made up for it all," I waved him off.

"You brought in bottles of butterbeer for everyone in the common room and arranged for a party. That's not making up for the points you lost!"

"It was butterbeer and party. All night long dancing and drinking and fun. Everyone was happy," I said sternly.

"Yeah, everyone was," he admitted frowning. Looks like he didn't get to prove his point.

"Okay what about-?" he started only for me to interrupt.

"I know I can be a bit of a dog sometimes but I really would like to be friends with him. He was close to my father."

You have no idea about the number of times I have played 'my father' card. Works like a charm!

He sighed. "Listen, you know about the upcoming Quiddich trails?"

I nodded, following his train of thought.

"Harry is the captain and if you are as good as you claim yourself to be, you will be in the team. He won't ignore you if you are in the team."

"What if he doesn't give me a fair chance because of... you know."

"Your rudeness? No, Harry is fair and just, and if he thinks you are an asset to the team, you will be in. He cares about the sport," he said firmly. I nodded already thinking of ordering a decent broom for myself. "And, Harry's broomstick, Firebolt... He got it as a gift from your father."

I smiled softly. The father's card always works like a charm. Always.

Determined I got up from my table and walked to Minnie.

"How may I help you Mr Black?"

"Oh, you can help me in a lot of ways Minnie," I said cheekily.

"Mr Black! How many times have I asked you to not flirt with me!"

"Don't waste your breath on him, Minerva. He is a nuisance, just like his father," Guess who spoke those golden words. But thank you for playing the father card before I could, cause Minnie's eyes softened as she heard those lines. Snape probably realised his mistake and glared even harder while I just smirked triumphantly.

"Oh, I just meant that you could help me in my homework, in adjusting to Hogwarts, in Transfiguration, in evading searching eyes, in- "

"What is your point?" Snape snapped, his patience thinning.

"I need your help in jotting down my name for Gryffindor Quiddich trails. I play as a chaser," I said finally.

"That's wonderful. The trails take place the day after. Be there on time," she said. I was about to leave when she said softly, "Sirius, I hope you are chosen. Your father was a player himself."

"In more than one way," Snape muttered under his breath, that I heard owing to my advanced hearing.

"Thank you, Mam," I smiled and left. Might I say again- works like a charm, always!

I made my way to class while thinking about the upcoming trial. In my own thoughts, I bumped into someone and fell on top of them. I groaned as I felt books fall on me next.


"Watch it!"

I rubbed the soft spot on my head and found Ginny Weasley under me. Her hair was sprawled on the floor casting an ember-like glow around her. I could count the freckles on her face. Her eyes were closed and her face scrunched in pain. I wanted to take that pain away... What was bothering her?!

"How heavy are you?!" Ginny complained. Oh, I was the bother.

"If that's the case, next time, you can be on top of me," I flirted without thinking. She just looked so ethereal.

I winced in horror. You don't flirt with your godson's girlfriend!

Her mouth opened, ready the release her fiery temper. Strangely I was tempted to hear her voice again and watch her emotions in such a close range. She opened her eyes and I felt her breath catch. She was dumbstruck just like me.

"I know I must be a sight for sore eyes," I softly whispered. Her breath hiked as I leaned in to take a deep breath of her flowery scent. However, as I breathed in, I felt the presence of another person with us. I stood up swiftly, my eyes popping out.

"Watch your step next time, Firecracker," I spoke and rushed out of the corridor without even offering her my hand.

"What just happened?" I heard the shocked voice of Hermione Granger. 

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