Chapter 11 - They say the truth hurts

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(Sirius's P.O.V)

I had hurt Harry. I had angered Stella. I had confused Draco. And I didn't know which one was the worst. Stella had stormed out of the hall and Draco had gone calling after her. I mentally winced thinking about her wrath that we would have to face later on. However, I had wasted one life hating my family, I wasn't going to do that again. Not even for the Greater Good!

"Uh, we will show you the common room," Ron said hesitatingly. Oh right. I am a new student.

I nodded and followed them out. Harry's face was lined with hurt and he avoided meeting eyes with me. It was a very awkward walk to the seventh floor.

"You know... Malfoy is truly not a good crowd," Ron said, as though it was his moral duty to inform me.

"Is it because he wears a green tie?" I asked with scorn.

"It is because he is a bully. He insults our families. He calls Hermione a mudblood. He jinxes people for fun. He supports Voldemort. He is a cheat. He is hell-bent on making my life a living hell. And the worst, he treats his own sister as trash. Used her like a house-elf! Abandoned her when she needed him. Scum!" Harry burst out.

Shocked at the outburst, we came to an abrupt stop. Thanks Draco, you have ensured your defence is rather impossible!

Ron was watching us tensely while Harry was standing quietly awaiting my response, his eyes fierce yet pleading- pleading to see his godfather in me. I'm sorry Harry! But it's time for me to be a friend and uncle/brother first. And...I need to convince you that Draco has changed as well.

"Maybe, he is all of the above. But I make choices based on what I see and experience, not on hearsay," I said strongly. "Besides he is family. I have already lost many members, and I would rather not lose any more."

"And what about me?" Harry's tone was pleading. "I am your father's godson- your god-brother. Do I mean nothing to you?"

I swallowed hard. It's for the Greater Good! 

Hypocrisy at its best... something like Stella's voice whispered in my mind about that thought.

"You are. And I am not abandoning you. I am just asking you not to judge my choices," I struggled to force the words out. I am really sorry.

Harry's fists were clenched and one could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. It took him a minute to calm down with Ron nervously standing in the background.

"Very well," Harry forced out. "But I will be there to tell you 'I told you so' once you see his true colours."

He bumped my shoulders and stormed out. Ron trailed after him after giving me a searching look. I half smiled at him in assurance. I will be fine- finding my way to the common room and around Draco too.

I walked with purpose to the Kitchens. We had decided that it would be the perfect spot for our meetings with Dobby and Twinkle as our lookouts. The Room of Requirement was also a good option, however, Draco vehemently opposed it. Something to do with the Gryffindor's lair.

I knew my actions had made Stella extremely angry. She didn't like it when things didn't go according to plans. Combining Draco stomping Harry's nose and my offer of friendship to him, she was going to be lethal. I took a deep breath and braced myself as I walked in.

Stella was immediately upon me. Her hair was a vibrant red and her eyes the colour of blood.

"I think I can fry an egg on your face," I tried to joke nervously. My confident swagger didn't help matters. At all.

"Maybe I will smash your eggs," her deadly voice was enough to deflate all my confidence.

"So..." she continued, circling around me like a hawk. I swallowed nervously and looked around for my companion. Had the situation been any better I would have laughed out loud at the scene. Draco was being chased by a horde of house-elves armoured with cutlery and ingredients. Draco's white hair was covered in eggs, flour and many other indistinguishable things. How Stella had convinced the house-elves to chase him with pots and spoons was beyond me.

"Oh, you will be joining the run soon," Stella said maliciously. The sight was no longer funny. It was deadly.

"Just. Why."

I sighed, "Because I want to change everyone's opinion that Malfoys are not some cockroaches."

"Really." Clearly not believing me.

"Yes, Stella. I wasted one life hating my family. I don't want to make the same mistakes twice."

"And what about your godson? Is he not your family? Aren't you hurting him?"

I lost it- why does she care more about Harry than Draco?! I shouted, "And what about your brother?! Can't you see how much you are hurting him? You don't understand what he feels like- being compared to you every single day. You don't know how he had to put up with the ideals of his father! Just because he loved his family! You don't see how much it hurts every single day. Yet he takes it all willingly and never complains."

My shouting had put the elves on hold. They were watching the entire scene by the sidelines. Draco's eyes had become as wild as saucers and he was slowly approaching me, as though I was a wounded dog who would hound upon him any second. And maybe I was. Cause I felt like I wasn't defending Draco, I was defending Regulas.

'He is just like Regulas, misunderstood.'

"What do you mean?" Stella whispered her hair slowly turning into a dull shade of blue.

"You are selfish. You don't see what your brother or family needs. You always thought you were superior to them, didn't you? Well, I have been in your situation before and I know where you are going wrong. Put yourself in their shoes- the duties and responsibilities they have. The love and care that drives them to be someone they don't even like.

"I did that because Draco needs me. In this year of madness, with all this spying, lies and deceits- he will need to rely on someone. Talk to someone. And I knew his own sister would abandon him for the greater good, so I decided to be there for him. Like how family does."

They say the truth hurts. And I could clearly see it in her eyes how much it hurt. To her, to Draco, to Harry and to me. Yet, it was the reality- the harsh reality. And it was time for us all to realise it.  

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