Chapter 14: "Never said that I was talking about myself"

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I was late for the Quiddich trials. Not for my trials, but Sirius's. He was trying out for the post of a Chaser in the Gryffindor Quiddich team and I didn't know how I was feeling about it honestly. One on hand, I was proud of his dedication towards the game, but knowing that he would be competing against me made me grimace. I would rather not have him as well! Ginny Weasley and Katie Bell as chasers were excellent and I knew Sirius was smashing. Draco, Sirius and I had practised the sport in our French manor a number of times this summer to know that Sirius had some serious talent in the sport. Nevertheless, I decided to let my competitiveness go and support my brother, friend and uncle- all three-in-one. 

"Where are you rushing off to?" Draco asked, watching me gulp down pumpkin juice from the breakfast table at the Great Hall.

"Why aren't you rushing?" I shot back. He was late for the trails too!

"What do you mean?"

Had he forgotten? But that wasn't possible. Draco had an impeccable memory! My surprised face dawned the trail on him. He shook his head and muttered, "I can't come; have to write two essays for McGonagall, two for Flitwick, one for Snape and not to mention that oaf's drawing too."

He was so far behind?!

"What have you been doing the entire time?" I demanded.

"Other stuff," he muttered bitterly. I pondered for a moment what it could be. Draco had been taking some regular walks every night for the past week. I realised why he wasn't being able to concentrate. He had the most difficult task of the three and we hadn't found a way out of it.

"Don't let it get to you, Dray," I said softly. "Everything will be fine. He won't harm anyone."

Draco looked at me abruptly, his eyes burning. He was going to scream at me; scared, I stepped back. He had never shouted at me. Probably seeing my face, he took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Sorry firefly, but this has been bothering me a lot. I can't help my feelings. You know that right," he uttered softly. Of course, I understood. I could understand his pain and frustration rolling off our bond in waves.

"I just need some time, okay? Don't worry about me, I will bounce back," he said and left the hall.

Time... I could respect his decision and give him time. He would come around when he was comfortable. Sirius and I had sprung up so much on him in 2 months, we couldn't expect him to accept it all so easily. He had been living and protecting our family all alone; it would take him some time to accept our help after all. I had made so many mistakes but the greatest one was neglecting my family. I would make up for it this time though, I was determined about it.

"Are you getting late?" Astoria Greengrass said from the table. Oh dang! The try-outs! Giving her a quick smile, I rushed to the stands.

I wasn't extremely late as I witnessed a couple of Hufflepuff being dismissed. I giggled at how popular Harry had become. I caught Sirius's eyes and gave him a quick thumbs up. He looked relieved to see me here.

I looked around the stands for a seat. Many were giving me a stink eye as usual. I rolled my eyes at that, I had gotten used to this fan treatment now. I saw Hermione in the stands, her eyes practically glued to the boy with flaming red hair. I made my way towards her, "Still holding a fire for a boy with fire-coloured hair?"

She yelped in surprise and I laughed at her reaction and at my very corny joke.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded haughtily. I laughed even more. I forgot we had to act like enemies.

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