Trip Down Memory Lane

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Finn Knight huffed deeply, he grabbed one beer bottle and popped off the lead. Nighttime Is his only opportunity to enjoy alone time; summer vacation forces him and Neal to spend their days together.

The night also allows Finn to sip his drink better, he refuses consuming alcoholic beverages in front of Neal; the little guy oddly behaves afraid whenever any male, especially Finn, drinks beer. The older brother feels it brings back dark memories of Chris's drinking addiction.

Finns head stuck within their fridge, his mouth waters spotting left over pizza, and barbecue wings.


"AHH, shit! Damn cat, go away!" Finn jumped, head hitting the fridges top part. He stomped near Macbeth running laps between and around his feet.
Macbeth hissed viciously, and bolted off.

Finn swore under his breath, grabbing three large slices and four wings.

After warming them, he shoved the biggest slice inside his mouth while carrying the scolding plate.

"Hot-hot-hot-hot!" Finn rambled leaping forward; the giants threw himself upon the couch.

"Ugh, damn it."He grunted, noticing pizza sauce stains spattered down and up his shirt.

Ignoring the mess, Finn started television, flipping through numerous channels until reaching News Channels.

"Today, police arrested 17 year old year Lincoln Waters after caught brutally abusing his family's newly adopted human son, Will. Officials report the parents are under question believing they allowed the abuse, and may have mistreated the human child themselves. The case lately stirred up questions whether humans are safe from giants. Tonight's story wasn't the only one worrying people. Last week, five humans were tragically crushed to death when a giant attacked the crowded. The crowded protested giants adopting human children, and attempting to forbid implanting chips in them. Tomorrow we'll—"

Finn couldn't hear anymore, and shut off the program. His heart ached imaging what horrors giants cause humans; he tries offering Neal the safest life, but ponders if the little guy ever feels afraid.

Sure, Finn accidentally almost ate Neal alive when they first met, or easily overpowers him with size and speed.

What kind of world does he live in every day? Waking up knowing you're smaller than furniture, silverware, and slightly smaller than a giant thumb, Finn mentally asked.

Finn still needs time asking Neal how he felt regarding what Sam's kids did. The humiliation Neal felt sounded terrible, and concerned the bigger brother; Neal lightly describes the event, but shrugged it off.

"BUAAAH...ugh..BUAAH!" Finn's mind snapped back into reality, disturbing sounds bounced out of Neal's bedroom.

"Neal?!"Finn said, racing to his brothers side. "Neal, what's the—oh no." Opening the roof, Finn saw Neal shivering, and coughing violently. Fresh vomit oozed below Neal's chin, dripping slowly onto the already barfed stained sheets.

"F...F...Finn, I feel sick." Neal shutters.

"I see buddy. I'm gonna need you to swap clothes, and shower real quick." Finn ordered pulling off the dirty blankets.

"I...can't stand. Super weak, and feel dizzy." Neal hacked, his voice sounded raspy.

"Alright little one, hold tightly." Finn grabbed Neal extra pajamas, and lightly scooped him up. "Tell me each symptom."

"My head hurts, throat sore, chills, feel hot too, weak, dizzy, and nausea." Neal informed , holding Finns index finger.

"Hmmm, sounds like a bad case of flu. Here, I'll check your temperature." Finn found their thermometer, he took the little sick boys temperature. "Shit, fever is 102."

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