The Unthinkable

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Neal without a doubt loves his giant family; their amazing people, and offers their everlasting love. Since day one, the Knights did nothing but make sure Neal understands he's a real family member despite not being blood related.

However, like many families, they're known to act overwhelming. Best example is Knights Guy Nights Out. Sam, Finn, and Mike hit the town doing endless activities, and stay out late as possible.

Until turning 13, Neal wasn't permitted joining the guys—an odd rule they created. Truthfully, Neal personally enjoyed avoiding guys' night out. Stuck endless hours hearing gross guy talk, watching stupid movies, and seeing three adult men eat junk food isn't his ideal Saturday night.

However, today Neal's luck officially ended. According to Knight male members, it's an amazing honor joining them during their special get together.

Neal's not understand the older guy's strange obsession of seeing scary movies and eating unhealthy foods until midnight; he prefers staying home and reading a good book. Unfortunately, neither option is available.

Finn declared Neal's hundred percent allowed tagging along; he gave zero choices.

Unwillingly, Neal prepared to leave shortly. Currently, he started brushing teeth, and switched on the shower faucet. Strange enough, bathrooms provide amazing privacy: roofs stay close, and no giants are able to interrupt the quietness. He can't count the time he took refuge here avoiding Finn's scolding, or the eldest brother attempting to grab him.

"Gosh Macbeth," Neal gurgled water and spat. "An entire night hearing three gross giants burp, fart, and laugh hysterically sounds worst than Finns long boring lectures."

" 'Neal,'" he poorly mimicked Finn. " 'I'm an adult, I make decisions, I know everything! Boo-hoo, you hate socializing! Aww, little baby hates pg-13 spooky movies. Blah-blah-blah'"

Finn indeed says such remarks, but less cruel as Neal presented.

"What's our stupid movie? Oh yeah, Zombie Giant Killer 2: Attack of the Undead Titans." He remembers, the title alone seemed dreadful enough.

Neal bent down gently rubbing Macbeth's soft forehead; the cat purred, licking his owner's hand.

"Good kitty, I think you truly understand me." Sad truth, Macbeth's Neal's truest best friend; cats won't speak hurtful words, or ignore his existence. Macbeth simply sits and listens, in exchange for belly rubs and snacks.

"Baby brother, hurry up! Sam is here! By the way, I finished cleaning your underwear, and placed them near the dresser! I accidentally mixed my red socks, and them together, so they're pink. Don't worry, nobody else knows!" Finn snickers, Sam Knights chuckling soon followed.

"Awesome, four seconds starting Guys Night, and Finn's already embarrassing me. God, hope he's finished cracking dumb jokes." Neal thought entirely wrong. During showering, he clearly overhead Finn and Sam laughing childishly outside.

"He cried watching Lion King yesterday," Finn obnoxiously snorted. "Poor kiddo used six tissues!"

"Aww, my kids cry watching Disney movies." Sam added.

"Ignore them, they want a reaction." Neal calmly said turning off the shower; he grabbed a large red towel and dried himself.

Like Finn said previously, Neal's pink underwear sat folded near the dresser. He grabbed a pair, and started getting dressed; Neal knows he's granted a few moments until Finn rudely opens the roof.

"Shoot, where's my shorts?" Neal began searching dirty clothes piles, below the bed, and drawers.

"Neal, almost finished—WOAH!" Finn flipped open the roof; Neal's cheeks turned bright red.

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