One More Adventure

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Hello?" Neal answered his ringing phone. feeling groggy after a long needed nap.

"Hello, sweetheart," Ingrid chimed across the line. "Grandpa, Diana, Sam, and I won't return home until later tonight. I left cash under the kitchen counter, and the Jason's Pizza Place phone number; there should be enough cash for extra toppings and wings."

Neal stumbled out of bed bewildered , and shook off his tiredness. Did he here here correct? The family decided to exclude him from eating out with them. He knows everyone's acting strange after the accident, but leaving him behind? He expected Molly to pull a similar stunt,  however the Knights?

"Where's the restaurant? I'll can Uber, and meet you-"

"NO!" Ingrid stopped him, she stopped shortly, and kept talking. "We're eating at Sam's and Diana's home."

Okay, what the hell's happening, Neal wondered. "What the he—I mean what's the reason? Thought they planned to join us here tonight?"

"I know, but plans change." Her voice cracked. She did her best avoiding his question.

"Grandma, you're ignoring the truth." He shifted uncomfortably. Neal speeds through countless possibilities why she's acting strange.

"Ignoring what the truth?" She played stupid.

"Grandma..." Neal growled sitting down on his bedroom chair. Macbeth leaped onto his lap, and purred peacefully.

"Listen Neal, I need you to stay home. Sam and Diana aren't comfortable seeing you yet, okay? I think we're all still shaken, and need space. Plus, the eight of us adults have a lot to discuss privately." He didn't need to see her to know she shut her mouth suddenly, and went stone cold silent.

"Eight adults? Who's else coming?" Bad enough his grandparents forbid him coming, now other people are joining them? He hugged Macbeth tightly, using him as a comfort supporter. The cat meowed softly, and snuggled closer.

" one is important."

"Liar, who are the other two?"

"Uncle James, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Brody, and Aunt Emma." Ingrid eagerly waited to hear Neal respond, fully bracing herself to hear Neal scream.

"I--What--why?!" His screaming scared Macbeth out of the room.

"Calm down honey, let me explain." Ingrid cooed, on her end of the phone call, her heart raced.

"The family needs to discuss some grown up conversations. We decided the children should not overhear the topic."

"I am 13, turning 14 soon. I am not a child anymore. I lost my dad, been abused, watched Finn get shot, and lay in a coma for the last month. I have seen and heard endless loads of hard stuff. Whatever is happening, I deserve to be part of."  His breath shook. Neal

"Baby listen, I g...g..need to go." She stammered.

"Wait!" Neal stopped, shouting directly into the phone speaker. "This whole meeting is about Finn, isn't it?"

"Neal," She wanted to say no, she wanted to hang up, she wanted to promise Finns fine. "Yes, the doctors called today. They said Finn's condition hasn't changed, and his chances of waking up are next to none."

"Oh my God, want to pull the plug?" Neal gasped.

"You need to understand, Finns suffering. We need to consider the best option."

"NO!" Neal screeched, he hurled the phone against  his nightstand, wiping out a picture frame, and lamp.

"Shit," He sobbed. He bent down, cleaning the mess he caused. His movement came to a halt when he held a wooden picture housing a photo of Finns and Neal's first selfie together.

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