Two Knights On the Road and The Truth

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"Goodbye Macbeth, Meg promises she'll bring food and water every day! Yeah I know, it's lonely without me around. But, the giant doofus leave home won't allow me staying home. Bye buddy, keep the house safe and behave! Love you Macbeth." Neal kisses the cats forehead, he takes a quick look at his bedroom; several days car journey and a boring festival lay ahead. Neal's book shelf's nearly empty, his suitcases have more books than clothing. Finn specifically said no books during vacation, but what he won't know won't hurt the older brother. Neal has two suit cases helping him sneak his novels, Finn was told Neal needed two suitcases holding his clothes. Thankfully the giant hasn't noticed Neal's secret book stash. "NEAL! HURRY UP!" Finn's booming voice shook the walls. "Bye Macbeth." Neal said lightly smiling, he drags out his suitcases behind him and wears a large black back pack. Finn's standing at the apartments entrance, he's holding a large bag, dragging two suitcases, wearing jeans and a green heavy coat. Meanwhile Neal's wearing a simple sweatshirt and thin sweatpants; Finn slips out a sigh dropping his supplies. "No-no-and no!" He points at each clothing the humans wears. "Change the outfit! Jeans, sweatshirt, coat, scarf, hat-put them on." Neal unwillingly follows Finns demand, bad enough he can't stay home, but can't even wear his picked out clothing style. Neal quickly changed and returned wearing uncomfortable jeans, a scarf, and a hat. The heat's unbearable and the clothing makes his skin itch. "Good, hopefully those clothes are warmer." Finn grabbed Neal and his bags. "Too warm." Neal mumbled under his breathe. "Goodbye apartment and hello road trip!" Finn cheered dragging the suitcases out, Neal peaked outside the giant pocket getting a last glance at the apartment; his winter break destroyed as the door shut blocking out the view. "Bye apartment..." Neal whispers, he slides back inside the pocket. A whole long week of driving, talking, driving isn't what Neal considers fun. He struggles understanding why they can't bond at home; what's special about bonding during a road trip? Neal tired man hurts thinking; he closes both eyes getting few more moment of sleep. Outside snow begins falling; the suns not out yet and a chill flows through the air. Finn opens the cars trunk tossing the suitcases inside, he jumps to the driver seat starting the engine. He rubs his hands together getting warm; and kicks up the heat. A powerful rumble irrupts out of Finn's stomach sending a reminder foods needed. The times 5:00am, they won't get food until 9:00am following the giants schedule. He knows a wonderful breakfast restaurant few hours away. "Good night Finn. Remember no sausage past 8:30pm or you'll have terrible gas..." Neal half awake mumbled tossing and turning. "Not night bud, good morning now. Get some extra sleep." Finn patted his chest pocket. "Mmmm, sleepy but can't sleep!" The teen whined. "Here, use my phone to watch a movie. Yet, when we're done eating breakfast the phone disappears when we start the drive again." Finn allows Neal to sit inside the cup holder, the phones rested upward where Neal can watch at a better angle. "Pick a random movie." Neal shrugged. Finn nodded selecting Finding Nemo, Neal's eyes closed and open, the screen glowed brightly. "Hey Finn?" Neal desperately wished telling the other brother calmly about the lack of interest involving trip. Taking kindly may help Finn understand. Except seeing the joyous spark Finn's eyes bring whenever he talks about spending together, Neal's complaining nature takes a break. Neal notices when he complains about the trip Finn looks sadden and upset. He hates making Finn sad, Neal tries hiding personal feelings whether or not the vacations boring. The phone played the movie and the teen watched as Finn started driving; took 20 minutes till Neal fell asleep. "Sweet dreams little brother." Finn chuckled, Neal looked at peace and calm. The giant wishes the world wasn't cruel or dangerous, Neal's different and tiny. He fears if Neal were to left alone something terrible would happen. Neal got verbally, mentally abused, pushed off a table by his own mother, ran away and almost got kidnapped, and recently attacked by some creep. Rarely, Finn knows Neal's purposely places in his care. The boy needs protection, he needs love and support. However Finn never ask one simple question: does he need Neal more than Neal needs him?
"Good morning everyone! Thank you for tuning to your Christmas MapleWood Carnival coverage radio station! I'm Rick Green along side Sue Wilson! Good morning Sue, how's the festival treating you."
"Thank you Rick, the MapleWood Carnival's beyond fantastic! Me and my brother Matthew would always visit here before he got arrested! Gotta love how each year the place gets better!"
"Absolutely Sue! They have new rides, venders, stores, and more Christmas decorations than Santa's Work Shop!"
"Hilarious Rick, hopefully families traveling here are dressing warm and love the snow. We see this week's the perfect time attending the festivities."
"Agreed! Parents make sure the kids are wearing coats, and a happy face at the MapleWood Carnival! We'll return soon and have a enjoy the holidays."
Neal's eyes flicked opened, the sound of Christmas music blared following the radio stations announcement. Shining, morning light greets Neal's, a yawn escapes the teens mouth and he stretches his arms remembering he's sleeping.  Finn catches Neal's attention: Finn hums the playing song and soon begins singing Jingle Bell Rock. Neal listens delightfully, his brother hardly sings but has a wonderful calming singing tone. Neal closes his eyes enjoying the giants  soft voice; when the song quits playing, Neal let's Finn know he's awake. "Morning big guy." Neal yawns. "Good morning squirt." Finn grinned. "Sleep good?" Neal slowly nodded. "Excellent, we're getting closer to the breakfast restaurant! Mmmm, my stomach's growling." Finn said turning the radio off. "Years ago, me my parents traveled the road and stopped at the exact same restaurant! The foods outstanding and perfect." The oldest brother states. "I'm not craving food, stomachs nauseas due to the car ride. Better I stay away eating breakfast." Neal said, long car rides upset the teens stomach tremendously. "Not a chance bro, you barley ate dinner last night and avoided snacks the entire night." Neal can't eat when he's upset and Finn knows. "Not my fault! I can't eat when upset. Wish we weren't doing a stupid road trip..." Neal quietly mumbled the last part. "What?" Finn asked. "Nothing!" He faked s cheerful smirk. 20 minutes passed, Neal kept quiet avoiding conversation. Getting Neal to talk was harder than Finn imagined, anytime a question got asked Neal shrugged mumbled few short words. His brother wasn't having fun, he looked miserable and annoyed. God, what am I doing wrong? Wish mom was alive, she always knew the answers. Finn mentally sighed; he misses his mother every day and wished she was able to pass more wisdom. Finn wasn't like Neal at the teens age: Finn was more outgoing, sports player, a people person, energetic, and loved spending time among family members. Yet, the teenage boy remains the opposite. Their relationship can not get lost, Finns hear can't handle the second lost of a brother. See, when his mother, Emma Knight, became she sickly, she was pregnant with a baby boy. Finn was so excited getting a baby brother, life on the other hand crushed Finn's happiness. Emma and the unborn baby died shortly after she fell incredibly ill. Heartbroken, Finn mourned several long years; a empty void laid within the giants heart. Took years until he started behaving happy again, eventually a great joy hit him not long ago. His father, David Knight, announced he met a new human woman,Molly, and she had a 12 year old son. Soon David asked Molly to join their home. Eventually, Molly and Neal moved in; Finn made a vow to love and protect his new brother. Finn never told Neal the reason he's so protective, and neither do people know about Emma Knight pregnancy. The giant simply cannot lose another brother, he can't let Neal slip away. His thinking kept his distracted while driving, he starters drifting off the road. "OH MY GOD!" He screamed getting the car under control. "OW, GIVE A GUY A WARNING WHEN DRIVING CRAZY!" Neal got tossed back and forth, slamming against the cup holder walls. "Oops, got distracted." Finn apologized, "Look were finally at our first stop!" Neal rubbed his sore head; stopping at a spot means they can stretch their legs. Neal's taken in the air, Finn keeps a firm grip on Neal. The cars parked at a full parking lot, a building sits close. The restaurants, wide, painted hideously pink, large windows showing booths and families eating their food. Above the entrance reads a worn out sign:Wanda's Breakfast House. Not only does the sign seem outdated, the entire restaurant looks gross, old, and unsanitary. They walks inside and Neal's opinions grew worst. The floors are ugly green, booths are unclean, screaming children throw their food, a horrid smell burns Neal's nose. At a booth, Neal witness a 7 year old playing with what the human assumed was scrambled eggs and bacon. He wasn't hundred percent sure; the eggs are a pale yellow and bacon didn't look real nor remotely cooked. The 7 year old boy ate a handful of eggs, he quickly spat the chewed food out. "Oh God..."Neal gagged. "A booth please, and a human one too." Finn told the women directing costumers, their taken to a booth behind a family consisted of a old couple, two 6 year old girls. Their waitress left and returning bring Neal his table and human eating utensils. She gave menus letting decide their food choice. Once she left, Neal told Finn about his disgusting feelings. "Finn, this place is revolting." Neal whispers. "Shhh! Show respect, they work hard here!" The giant said. "Yeah, hard at making the restaurant a utter crap hole." Finn coved Neal's mouth using a finger. "Listen good Neal Knight, me and my parents always ate here! Sure it's not fancy or perfect, but that's no excuse making rude comments. Pick a order, and behave young man, understand?" Neal nodded; Finn moved his finger. "I recommend pancakes, they are delicious." Finn opened his menus. Neal scanned the menu several times, nothing sounded good. When people got their orders, the food showed disgusting features: eggs ugly yellow, bacon uncooked, pancakes burnt, waffles hard as rocks, and odd looking milk. "Um, not hungry Finn. Car ride upset my stomach, eat without me." He lied, Neal desired food, but not the meals served here. Finn wasn't acting amused, his face tuned angry. "Neal, pick a meal." Finn hissed.
"Not happening."
"Neal Knight..."
"I'm not eating!"
"Pick or I'll choose."
"Be my guest."
"NEAL! Drop the attitude."
"What attitude? I'm allowed having my own choices Finn!"
"Good Lord, choose something."
"I'm not eating their fake food."
    "Excuse me gentlemen, are you two ready?" Their waitress appeared. "Yes, I'll have the pancake breakfast combo." Finn kindly orders. "Good choice, and how about you sweetie?" She asked Neal. "I'm not having..." Finn silenced Neal by putting a finger around the child's entire face. "He'll have the scrambled eggs, bacon and toast meal." He said. "Alright, I'll get those orders in." Finn let his brother go, the each sent glares. "Quit wrapping your stinky fingers around my face!" Neal whispered shouting. "Stop behaving immaturely!" Finn snapped back. "I get called immature for having a opinion? Wow, real mature getting mad about someone sharing a opposite view.Setting a great example Finn." Neal continued enraging the oldest Knight. "Neal, I am trying to make our vacation fun, but your constant rude teenage attitude keeps ruining the enjoyment." Finn growled. "What attitude?! Your-never mind Finn. I'm sorry."Neal huffed, the hurt look Finn's eyes showed guilt trip the young boy. "Little bro." Finn started, "We can't keep fighting." Neal knew he's right; except it doesn't help Finn ignores Neal's feeling. "I know big guy." He quietly admitted. Finn opened his mouth, but the food arrived. "Eat up baby brother." Neal's stomach turned; the food smelled awful, his eggs are not even yellow and the bacon was hard. Finn's food wasn't showing any better qualities, however the giant immediately started eating. "Please eat Neal or your grounded until New Years Day." Finn warned. Neal gulped grabbing the fork; he took a tiny bite out of the egg. A great taste mixture between overused pepper and salt tortured Neal's mouth, he tried washing the taste with a cup of milk. Neals eyes widen, he spit drink out hacking. "Spoiled milk! Ew-ew-ew!" Decided he's had enough, Neal pushed the plate away. "Your not done, eat those eggs!" Finn demanded. "But they taste like ass!" Neal regretted the word choices. "NEAL KNIGHT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR DAMN ATTITUDE!" Finn slammed his fist down shaking the entire table, his scream grabbed nearby customers attentions. "Quit yelling..." Neal begged, his stomach started twisting and turning. The food, anxiety, and Finn's yelling upset the boy. "No! Your freaking attitude needs adjusted!" Finn lowers his voice but still in a stern manner. "I'm not feeling good." Neal's face turned green. "I'm not falling for the act." The giant said. "Bathroom...please...BUUUAHH!" Too late, Neal puked his meal up. He finally spit his last few chunks of egg out, unfortunately another onslaught of puke followed moments after. Neal's stomach pained beyond words, the food wasn't treating him kindly. "It hurts so bad!" Neal sobbed, Finn felt guilt strike his heart. First he made Neal eat food he didn't want, and than yelled at him. Finn tried so hard making Neal enjoy the trip he completely blow off Neal's emotions. "Shhh, I got you buddy." Finn soothed, a stressed Finn payed the check and raced back to the car. Neal continues crying, he's held against Finn's chest. "I TOLD YOU I DID NOT WANT THE FOOD!" Neal screamed clutching his upset stomach. "THAN YOU GOT PISSED OFF AND YELLED AT ME! WHY?! WHY WE DOING A STUPID VACATION?!" He cried out. "Because...because... I'm afraid losing you!" Finn admitted. "What?!" His brother gasped. "Neal, your getting older and I'm afraid we're drifting apart! We once spent every day together and hung out. Now, your avoiding spending time with me, and growing up fast. I can't lose another brother! Doing the road trip, I hoped we could reconnect and talk about a bigger topic. I want to know why your calling me dad." Finn let his feeling out, he shed several tears wiping them away. Neal sat speechless, why would Finn think they might drift apart? Worst of all, the big guy feels alone and wanted a better connection. Neal deep down knows he's not innocent, he avoided spending time with Finn. He avoided telling Finn the true meaning behind calling him dad; he's even lied about the true meaning in therapy. A lump formed in Neal's throat before he spoke. "Words fail expressing how sorry I truly am. Never did I intended making my best friend, who's loved me more than anything, feel we're drifting apart. I need my own private space big guy, I am no longer a child, but that doesn't mean spending time together isn't fun. I guess we kept these feelings hidden, they finally reached a unhealthy boiling point." Neal lightly chuckled. "And there's a hidden truth I have kept a secret Finn from everyone, even my therapist. The reason I'm also avoiding time together,plus calling you dad, is because your a better father." Finn was shocked to his core. "Dad wasn't perfect, in fact he wasn't as awesome I described him. He had a drinking problem, mom and dad argued alone. Their fighting caused his depression, thus the drinking began. He get hungover, stay in bed, and never spend much time together with me. He only took me out because he felt guilty, that's why birthdays were special. He tried making a whole year up in one day, which is why my birthday was special to me. Dad loved me, not enough though. When he get drunk, he yell and scream at me, often he slap me; not like mom did though." Neal's words brought more tears to Finn's eyes, Neal's story wasn't finished just yet. "Honestly, no one truly loved me. Three years after his death, I met the biggest, kindest, funniest, and goofy person ever: you Finn. Finally, someone who loved me for me. You treated me because you actually cared, not out of guilt. I tried pretending dad was some perfect guy when in reality he wasn't. I got so jealous you were a better friend and father figure. Lately, I started seeing how lucky I got getting adopted. All the sudden, I called you dad. I always wanted a great dad, and my big brother showed the qualities anyone would want in a father." Neal failed holding his emotions back, the tears started flowing. "Buddy...I'm speechless." Finn held Neal tightly. "I love you dad." Neal softly whispers. "I love you too." Finn said. They sat there over a half and hour, much got discussed during the time period. Finn told Neal about his mother Emma being pregnant with a baby boy, and why Finn wished to protect Neal. Finn also said he understood Neal needs privacy and can handle his own sometimes; they made a agreement that every Friday night the spend together hanging out discussing their week. And every other weekend they try doing something fun outside the apartment. Finn told his small brother that if he wishes to call him dad anytime, there was no issue. Finally, the duo agreed to keep traveling; Finn started the long drive and the two talked, laughed and sang Christmas songs. As Finn hoped, their relationship became stronger than ever.

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