Chapter Sixteen

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Hadley's POV

"Louis you can't be in love with me you're my best friend you're like a brother to me. It's the grief talking you don't mean it. I love you but like a sister loves her brother."  I tell Louis. I'm in shock I can't believe those words just came out of his mouth.

"Hadley. I mean it I have been since the first time we met. It's you it's always-"

"No no no Louis I can't do this I'm in love with Niall it's always been Niall always has been and always will be. He's the love of my life the only one I want. He's my beginning and my ending." I tell him. "I think you need to go Lou." He looks so sad and broken I feel bad but my heart will always be Niall's. I watch him as he doesn't say another work just makes his way out of the house.

I go up to my bedroom and close the door. I go into our bathroom and turn on the shower. I slowly get undressed as my hot salty tears fall onto the cold white tile of the bathroom. My heart feels like it's in a million and one pieces my big brother is gone I'll never see him again he'll never see his niece. This is all too much for me.

I step in the shower one foot at a time and feel the burning hot water touch my delicate skin. I start crying harder and hoping the shower is loud enough to cover my sobs. I collapse on the floor of the shower. I bring my knees as close as the can to my chest and put my face in my knees and just cry. The hot drops of water from the shower hit my chilled body from being in shock. I don't know how much time has gone by but all I want is Niall to come back from the store already and just hold me. As if on cue I hear the door open.

"Hads?" Niall's soft sweet voice echos in the room. I don't say a word back. I hear his foot steps getting closer and closer. He opens the shower door and steps in fully clothed and sits next to be and pulls me tightly into his chest. "It's gonna be okay princess. I'm here. I'm right here I'm not going anywhere. Why don't we get you out of here and into some warm comfy clothes and in bed. I'll stay with you. Harry said he'll help us with Fins okay?"

All I can do is nod my head I can't seem to form words at this moment. And everything that happened with Louis hasn't made this any easier. And more importantly how do I tell Niall one of his best mates confessed his love for me? I just wish everything would end.

Niall helps me stand up and get out of the shower. He grabs one of the towels out of the closet and wraps it around my soaking wet body. He leads me to our bed and gently sits me down.

"I'm just gonna grab some clothes out of the closet for you I'll just be a minute."

He goes into the closet and a couple minutes later he comes out with one of his sweaters with his name on it(sweater in picture) and a pair of his gray sweatpants for me to wear along with a pair of my underwear. He knows wearing his clothes is my favorite thing to do. I take them from him with a small smile and he kisses my forehead.

"Thank you Ni." I say quietly. I dry myself off the rest of the way and put the clothes on. Niall takes the wet towel and goes and hangs it up in our bathroom. "I'm gonna go see Finley for a minute come with me?"

"Of course baby." He says and we go to Finley's room and she's playing on the floor with Harry. I go over and pick up my baby girl.

"Hi baby. Mommy's sorry she hasn't spent much time with you today. I love you so much Finley. You're uncle Gunnar is gonna be watching over you from now on. I know he loved you very much too princess." I tell her and feel fresh tears start falling. I kiss her forehead and her cheek and give her a hug and hand her to Niall so he can say goodnight to her.

"Thank you for staying and helping us Harry I really appreciate it." I tell him.

"You know I'm happy to help anytime I can. Go get some rest Hads." Harry says and I smile and head back to my bedroom with Niall in tow. We get to our room and I immediately go lay on the bed. Niall lays next to me and pulls me into his side my head on his chest.

"Niall babe I have to tell you something else that happened today." I whisper nervous as to how he's going react.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks genuinely concerned.

"Louis told me he's in love with me."


"I already knew he was. What matters is how you responded to him."

I told him word for word what I told Louis and everything right up till he sat with me in the shower.

"That's exactly why I wasn't worried. I knew you didn't reciprocate his feelings. Thank you for telling me and being honest with me."

"I always am." I say with a yawn. "I love you Niall more then you'll ever know. You're the most amazing man I've ever met and I'm so lucky to call myself your wife." I tell him as my eyes start to get too heavy to keep them up anymore.

"I love you too Hadley. I'm the lucky one." He says and kisses my head. "Get some rest beautiful." He pulls me closer and I drift off into a deep sleep.

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