Chapter Ten

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Two Months Later

Hadley's POV

I'm currently sitting with Eden at our favorite coffee shop. Yes I'm secretly having a caffeinated coffee. Tastes so much better then nasty decaf.

"So have you and Niall picked a wedding date yet?" Eden asks.

"We're thinking shortly after our baby girl is born probably April or May before Gunnar is deployed." I tell her.

"You guys should so do an outdoor wedding."

"I think that's what we were planning but let's not talk wedding plans here. I see some fans trying to listen." I whisper to her. And she looks over he shoulder and nods her head.

"Let's get out of here. Finish that coffee quick Niall will have both our heads if he finds out." She says and I laugh and finish off the coffee and toss it as we walk out the door.

"That's something I definitely don't want to happen but I desperately needed that caffeine." I tell her my phone rings. "Speak of the devil."

"Hi babe." I answer.

"Hey when are ya getting home? We've got some unexpected visitors that would love to see you." Niall says.

"I'm on my way home now. Who's at the house?"

"That's a surprise. Just hurry up and get here."

"Okay okay I'm on my way. I'll be there soon. I love you."

"See you shortly. I love you too." With that we hang up. As I'm hanging up looking at my phone I bump into a solid body.

"Shit I am so sorry. I-" I stop speaking when I look up at the person I bumped into. My ex Chace.

"Hey Hads. Sorry for bumping into you. How are you?" He asks.

"Oh just great after I got into a fight with your ex slut. But I have no more breath to waste on you. My fiancé is waiting for me." I say and go to walk away when he catches my wrist.

"I miss you Hads. Let's talk soon." He says and tries to kiss my cheek I hear a snap of a camera just before I slap him in his face before his lips even reach my cheek.

"I don't care. Stay away from me." I say and pull my wrist from his grip and get into Edens car and she drives us home to my house.

My phone starts blowing up with twitter notifications. They got the perfect angle so it looks as if he's kissing my cheek and that never happened. Great just when things are perfect between us this shit has to happen.

I run into the house desperately searching for Niall. Eden trailing behind me cause she was standing right next to me when it happened.

"Niall?!" I call running from one room to the other which is very hard to do when you're 7 months pregnant. I finally find him sitting out on our bedroom balcony. I go out by him.

"Ni?" I say gently.

"How could you do this to us?" He asks and I can tell he crying.

"You've got it wrong my love."

"You let him kiss you Hadley!! How do I have it wrong?!" He stands up and yells at me. I flinch at him yelling.

"Nothing happened I didn't-"

"You didn't what you didn't stop him clearly!!" He yells not letting me tell him what really happened.

"Please let me explain."

"NO!! It's already clear as day what happened!"

Tears start falling from my eyes.

"Niall I swear nothing happened he didn't even get the cha-" Eden tries to explain to him.

"Of course you're gonna come up with a lie for her! You're her best friend!" I can't do this anymore. I turn around and make my way to my closet and start packing a bag. I call Louis.

"Louis can you come get me please? I can't do this anymore. He won't listen to me. Please come quickly."

"I'll come get you but I need you to calm down love. What happened with Chace?"

"He tried to kiss my cheek and I slapped him before he even made contact on my cheek. The paparazzi caught it at the perfect angle right before I slapped him. Niall won't even let me explain Lou. Just please hurry I need to get out of here." I tell him.

"I'm already on my way. I'll be there in 10 minutes get a bag or stuff and wait for me outside."

"I will I'm almost done with my bag."

"I'll stay on the phone with you."

"Thank you Lou. You're the best friend I could ever ask for." I finish getting my stuff and quickly and quietly make my way down stairs and out on the porch to wait for Louis.

"I'm pulling up now love." Louis says and I see his car pull up. I hang up and get in the car. Before we pull off I see Niall standing on the balcony of one of the guest rooms watching me leave with Louis. It hurts that he's just letting me leave. I can't believe he's doing this.

We get to Louis's and he lets me lay in his bed. He brings me a nice hot cup of tea and a cold wash cloth to wipe my tears from my face and to calm me down.

"Just give him some time to calm down love. You know how he gets. You can stay here till things calm down." Louis tells me.

"Thanks boo bear." I say playing with my engagement ring.

"Need some boo bear cuddles?" He asks and I laugh.

"That would be nice." I say and he lays down next to me I lay me head on his chest and an arm around him. His arm goes around my waist and I feel a lot better. I slowly feel myself drifting off to sleep. "Thank you Lou."

"Anything for you Hads." He whispers and kisses the top of my head and I fall asleep.

Niall's POV

"Niall where's Hadley?" Mum asks.

"She left." I tell her.

"What do you mean she left?"

I show mum the picture.

"She left with Louis. We had a fight over this picture it's her and her ex from today. Clearly she's talking to him again. I don't care if she ever comes back." I tell her.

"Didn't he cheat on her?"

"Yeah he did which is why I don't understand this."

"You know she wouldn't talk to him Niall not after all the things he's put her through. And don't say you don't care if she ever comes back that's not the man I raised you to be. She's carrying your daughter. You love her and that baby girl. Look at this picture again closely look at her hands Niall."

I take a closer look at the photo and zoom in to her hands he has her by the wrist. I look at the reflection in her sunglasses. There's no contact. Shit. What did I do?

"Mum I've fucked up. Again. How do I fix this?"

"You know what you have to do. Do it." She says and walks out of the room. I get my shoes on and run to my car and head to Louis's.

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