Chapter 18

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6 Months Later

Hadley's POV

These past 6 month's have been the hardest but I'm slowly getting better. Niall has been the most amazing and supportive husband and father I could have possibly asked for. Finley is getting so big now she's 7 months old and staring to crawl already.

We're currently taking a stroll in the park I've decided for a while it would be best for me to step away from my music career and focus on my family life. Niall has chosen to do the same he's still writing songs and singing them for Fins and me they're great. His fans will absolutely love the songs on his next album when he decides to put the songs he wants on the album when he comes back.

"Hads?" Niall says and he pulls me from my thoughts.

"Yes my love?" I ask him.

"While Fins is napping in her pram we should probably get some food before she's up."

"I agree lets go to Nandos for lunch. Then we can head home and have a nice relaxing night."

"Sounds like a great idea princess." He says and kisses my head.

"Hey babe?"

"Yes love?"

"Can we play some music tonight together it's been too long since we've done any kind of music together."

"Course we can love. I was waiting for you to be ready with everything that's gone on." He says.

"We'll I'm ready now and I've really miss spending that time with you." I tell him. "I'm sorry I haven't been the best wife these past few months. You've been so incredible and I haven't even been anywhere close to what you deserve."

"Let me stop you right there Hads, You are the best wife I could possibly ask for. You've been through so much these past few months so please don't talk like that beautiful. And please don't apologize you lost your brother who was your best friend it's completely understandable that you weren't you. I love you more then anything in this world besides our beautiful little princess we've made."

"I love you too. Thank you for never leaving my side through the whole thing I know it wasn't easy for you to see me like that."

"It wasn't but we're in this through the hard times the good times and the bad times no matter what, forever. You and me till the end baby girl." He says and I smile. I really couldn't ask for a better man then the one standing next to me.

We get to Nando's and ask for the most private booth they have as we try to keep out of the public eye for the most part. I look down at Finley in her pram snuggled up with her stuffed little cow she always has to have with her or she'll literally cry until she has it. The older she gets and the more she grows the more she looks like her daddy. She looks just like her daddy but already has the personality of her momma. We're gonna be in trouble when this little girl is older, especially with who her uncles are. I feel bad for any boy that comes anywhere close to her when she's older.

"We made the cutest little princess the world has ever seen." Niall says catching me admiring our precious little angel.

"We sure make some cute babies." I tell him with a smile and he smiles his perfect smile with nothing but love in his gorgeous blue eyes.

The waitress comes over and she recognizes us immediately. She starts to fan girl.

"Oh my god you're Niall and Hadley Horan! I can't believe you're here in front of me right now! I must be dreaming." She says a little to loudly.

"Love please not so loud. You'll wake our daughter and we really don't want the attention." I gently tell her. "If you'd like we'll take a picture with you and give you our autographs before we leave."

"Oh my god! I'd love that so much! Thank you!" She says.

"Not a problem at all we love our fans." Niall says.

"What can I get for you guys?" She asks and we put in our order.


We ate our food took the picture with our waitress and gave her our autographs and then headed home for a quiet night. Niall at the moment is sitting on the couch with his guitar playing some songs while I'm sitting on the carpet playing with Fins. These are the moments that I've dreamed about all my dreams have finally come true. I get lost in my thoughts and Finley has now crawled over to Niall and pulled herself up with the couch standing in front of her daddy looking up at him her tiny hand on his knee as he's singing Black and White. He has the biggest smile on his face and Fins also has a big smile on her face watching her daddy.

I don't think life could possibly get any better then where it is right now.

But truth be told I have a very big secret that I'm planning on telling Niall. I was gonna wait for tonight but this is the moment to tell him everything is so perfect that this will be the last piece we have to fill to finally have the life we've always dreamed about.

I take a picture to keep this moment locked in forever. I get up and go to my bag and take out the surprise I have for Niall. I turn to walk towards him and hide the item behind my back. I get to Niall.

"I have something for you." I tell him feeling extremely excited to show him what it is.

"What's that my love?" He asks his curiosity starting to get the best of him.

"Close your eyes and stick out your hands."

"Babe what is it just tell me."

"Ni just stick out you hands and close your eyes the sooner you do that the sooner you'll know." I tell him and he finally does what I say. "Now don't open your eyes until I tell you to." I put the item in his hands and pick up Finley. "Okay open."

He opens his eyes and looks at the item in his hand. It's a sonogram picture.

"We're pregnant?!" He asks excitedly. "We're having another baby? Wait why is there an A and a B on it?"

"We're having twins Niall." I tell him and he stands up and takes Fins and me into his arms.

"Twins? We're really having twins?" He says and puts his hand on my belly.

"Yes babe we're having twins." I say smiling.

"I don't think I could be any happier then I am right now."

Author's note: Hey all I'm so sorry it's taken me super long to update this! Thank you for all the love you've all shown this story. I've decided to end this story at 20 chapters. All you've votes have meant so much to me! Please check out my other stories that I will be working on very soon and I've published a new story it's my first story that isn't a fanfic and I would love if y'all would please check it our and let me know what you think. It's called You Win My Heart.

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