Chapter Four

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Niall's POV
Two weeks later

Haddie is still sleeping and her appointment is in an hour. I have no choice but to wake her up. I'm beyond excited to see my baby and hear it's heartbeat. Oh and find out if it's a boy or girl. I can't wait to be a dad.

"Princess, it's time to wake up." I say kissing her head. She moans and rolls over and pulls the covers over her head. "Baby come on your appointment is in an hour. I wanna see our baby."

She flips the cover off of her head and looks at me. "I know but this bed is so comfy. I think munchkin agrees." She says putting a hand on the baby looking lovingly at her growing belly, that holds our most precious possession. She takes my hand and places it on her stomach her hand sitting on top of mine. "Give it a minute."

I wait patiently and feel something bump my hand. I smile big and feel the glow growing on my face. "Our baby kicked my hand. Now I'm even more excited to see our little one. Come on get up let's go." I tell her. She just watches me with a smile.

"Let's go! Come on! Please get up." I beg jumping on the bed.

"You're more excited then when I tell you we're going to Nando's. I never thought that was even possible." She laughs getting up and heading for her closet.

Fifteen minutes later and she's finally ready to go.

"About time you're killing me with all this taking forever stuff." I joke.

"Oh shush more than half the time you take a lot longer to get ready then I do." She comes back with.

"Yeah you're right." I laugh. I take her hand in mine and our fingers interlock. "Management wants us to do and interview tomorrow and announce the baby Since it's getting harder to hide."

"I know I'm ready."

"Good me too. So you know how we're supposed to perform at Jingle Ball in New York next month?" I ask her.

"Yeah why?"

"Well I've been working on a song for us and was thinking we could perform as a duet instead of individual. If you want to."

"I'd love that what's it called?"

"Seeing Blind. I'll play it for you when we get home after the appointment."

"Oh we're not going straight home after the appointment me and your baby need some food. I'm craving pancakes I wanna go to Denny's." She says.

"We can do that then home. And I thought I was bad when it came to food."

"Hey! I'm eating for two!" She says in defense." We arrive at her appointment and I park the car and jump out and open her door all before she can even unbuckle her seatbelt. She just looks at me smiling.

We go in and she tells them her name and time of the appointment and she's all checked in. We sit in the waiting room holding hands.

"Niall I love you." She says.

"I love you too Haddie." I tell her. "We should fly out and tell my parents and Greg and Denise."

"That sounds great let's just check with the doctor to make sure it's safe for me to fly for that long." She says with a smile.

A nurse comes out. "Hadley?" She asks. We get up and follow her. "I'm Ashlee I'm the new nurse. I'm such a big fan of both of you! I can't believe I'm meeting you guys! Can I get an autograph for you guys and maybe a picture?"

"Um we can do autographs but the picture will have to hold off as we have yet to announce the baby. And if this gets leaked before we announce it tomorrow there will be a lawsuit on this office and I'll make sure you never work in a doctors office again." Haddie says.

"A little harsh babe?" I ask.

"She needs to be worried cause it's not her business to tell anyone. I'm protecting us and our baby I want this to go the right way not cause someone wants to make a pretty penny off of us. Plus it really is against the law to release medical information about patients." She says as we enter the room. I pull out a picture of me and Hadley for the nurse and sign it then Hadley signs it and hands it to her. "I'm sorry I was a bit harsh I hope you understand where I'm coming from."

"It's okay I'd be the same way if it was my baby." Ashlee says smiling.

"Great." She says and gives her fan a hug.

"The doctor will be right in with your results."

"Thank you Ashlee." I tell her.

"OMG Niall Horan just said my name!" She says fangirling and walking out of the room. I hear Hadley laughing.

"Girls will never stop fangirling over you." She says laughing.

"You have fangirls too and guy fans who are pretty much in love with you." I say and she shakes her head.

"And the one fan who's in love with me that matters is you." She says and I stand up and kiss her.

"I can say the same about you." I tell her and the doctor comes in.

"Hello Hadley how are you feeling?" The doctor says.

"Pretty good excited to know the results."

"Of course." Doctor Andrew's says. "Who is this here with us today?"

"This is Niall he's the father." She says and I smile.

"Nice to meet you Niall and congratulations. Are you both ready to know what you're having?"

"Yes we are." I tell him while Hadley nods her head excitedly.

"It's a..."

Author's note
Cliffhanger!!! What do you guys think it is? Keep reading to find out in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Lots of love ❤️

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