Chapter Three

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Hadley's POV

Being back with Niall is amazing. I feel whole again. He's the one even when we weren't together my heart was always nagging me telling me he's the one. It's always been Niall. He took the news about the baby so well. And I'm going back to our place. I miss that place. The place I'm at now never felt like home. Home is wherever Niall is.

Niall finally got through the song and we were able to watch the playback of the video and it came out amazing. We're currently at my apartment getting my stuff to go back home. To be honest I never went to Niall's to get the rest of my stuff I bought things that I needed. So I really don't have much here this place is pretty empty. We put everything in the black suburban where my security guard Todd is waiting in the driver seat.

"We're ready for go Todd." I tell him and we get into the suv.

"Princess?" Niall asks, I look at him giving him a questioning look. "When's your next appointment? I'd love to see the live sonogram of our little munchkin."

"Two weeks. I got a blood test done to find out the gender. It tells you the gender earlier they're gonna have the results and do my 5 month sonogram."

"Perfect." He says kissing my forehead. "I can't wait. I think it's gonna be boy. Cause you know boys run in my family. There hasn't been a girl in years."

"We'll see." I laugh as Todd pulls up to Niall and I's place. "You know we're gonna have to find a bigger place. This is only a one bedroom and we need a room for the baby's nursery."

"What if we just buy a house?" Niall asks.


"Of course. We'll get a nice big house with 16 rooms for all 15 kids we're gonna have." I give him the 'are you crazy' look.

"Babe I am not having 15 kids. Keep on dreaming my love." I tell him giggling at his silliness.

"Alright fine I'll settle for three." He says.

"I think three is perfect. Now let's get this stuff inside and we can order take out and watch movies and cuddle in bed."

We get out and we get the few boxes and bring the up into our bedroom. I pick up my phone and call Louis.

"Hey Hads what's up?" Louis asks after picking up on the first ring. He doesn't know I'm pregnant yet or back with Niall. I've kept quiet about my pregnancy from everyone including my manager and the management team. It's about that time that I need to tell them and I'm gonna start by telling Harry and Louis.

"Can you do me a favor since you love me so much?" I ask.

"Sure I guess I'm not busy at the moment and Freddie is with Briana." He says.

"I have an interview in two days and there's a dress there that my manager Buck wants me to wear for it."

"Okay and?"

"Well it's at Niall's in my closet in a dress bag. Would you please go over and get it for me. I can't bare to go there."

"No problem I'll be over there in 20 minutes."

"Thanks Lou you're the best! Love you!"

"Love you too." He says and we hang up. Louis is like my brother. We have a brother sister relationship.

Now to call Harry.

"Hads?! Is this really you?" Harry asks excitedly we haven't talked in a while. He's my best guy friend I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Of course it's me! I miss you Hazzy."

"I miss ya too. What can I do for you?"

"Well you see I have this interview in two days and Bucky insists I wear this specific dress and it's at Niall's. And I really don't wanna go over there-"

"Say no more I'll head over now and get it I should be there in 15 minutes to get it."

"Thanks Haz! Love ya!"

"Love ya too sweets." With that we hang up.

Perfect now both of them will find out together. I've already let Niall know my plan. I'm hiding in the closet next to the dress that I asked them to get.

"Hey Harry hey Louis. What's up." I hear Niall ask them.

"Hads sent us here to pick up a dress she needs for an interview." Louis says.

"Oh okay come in. How is she?" Niall asks playing the role of the heartbroken ex. He should be an actor he's pulling this off perfectly.

"She's alright. She does miss you though. Give her some time mate she'll come around. That girl loves you more than anything in this world." Harry says. Wow thanks Haz.

"I can only hope you're right Harry." Niall says and I hear footsteps heading into our bedroom. "Her closet it over there you guys can grab it."

"Thanks mate." Lou says. The door slides open and Louis takes the dress out. I jump out and he screams. "Oh my god! Hadley!!"

"Hadley what the hell are you doing here?!" Harry shouts.

"Well you see we got back together today." I say.

"Why do I feel like there's more?" Louis asks. "Wait a minute you have that glow that women only get when they're-"

"Pregnant. I'm almost 5 months pregnant." I tell them.

"Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys! Aww I'm gonna be an uncle again!" Harry shouts. Louis kinda stays quiet.

"Lou what's wrong." I ask him.

"Nothing it's just, well I wanna make sure you're back together because you want to be not cause of the baby. I want you both to be happy and be together cause you love each other not because of the baby." He says.

"Louis you know this isn't because I'm pregnant. You know how bad I've been since we broke up. I want this and not just for the baby. This is where I'm happiest." I tell him.

"Agreed. And you know that Lou." Niall says.

"Well then good I'm happy for you guys." He says.

"You guys wanna stay and watch a movie?"

"Sure." They say and we go watch a couple movies and ordered some pizza.

Author's note. Filler chapter. Don't worry I have more drama planned for Niall and Hadley. It can't be perfect all the time.
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