Chapter Nine

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Hadley's POV

Gunner comes in and we all go into the kitchen. Gunner and Niall sit at the island while I get a pot of coffee brewing.

"Love That's decaf coffee right?" Niall asks reminding me as usual that I should drink coffee with caffeine. But who drinks coffee without caffeine?

"Yes babe it's decaf coffee." I tell him. "I wish it wasn't." I mumble under my breath.

I then feel Niall's arms snake around my waist and he kisses my check.

"Soon you can have regular coffee again. I just don't want to risk anything." He says and joins Gunnar at the table.

"So why are you here Gunn?" I question him.

"Well bunny I decided to join the army again they're deploying me in 7 months. I wanna fix things before I go." Gunn says. Tear immediately fill my eyes I remember the last time he got deployed it was the worst year of my life.

"No! You're not going back Gunn. Don't do this again. Please." I beg him. Gunnar gets up and just as Niall's about to stand up and comfort me Gunnar puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"It's okay Niall let me take care of her right now." He says gently.

He comes over to me and I hug him tighter then I ever have before.

"Please don't do this to me. Not again. I know we've had our issues but you're my big brother and I need you. And no matter what's happened I never stopped loving you." I tell him.

"Bunny this is just something I need to do. I'm sorry. Nothing is gonna happen to me I promise. I'm overseas for a year two at the most then I'm done and I'll come back and watch my little niece grow up and I'll be the best damn uncle I can be." He says and I continue crying.

"Does dad know?" I ask through my tears.

"He knows he understands. But for us let's put the past behind us and move on and be like we used to be." I nod my head.

"Wanna see your nieces bedroom?" I ask.

"Of course I do." We all make our way to Finley's bedroom. Niall holding my hand the entire time.

I open the door to her room and show him. "Niall, Harry and Louis did this. They did this themselves isn't it incredible?" I ask him.

"It's amazing. Niall you did a great job on this. I'm sure she'll love it." Gunn says. "Oh and Niall welcome to the family."

They bro hug and I'm really happy to have my brother back in my life. I just really don't want him to leave. I know he'll be on the front lines and that's the last place I'd want him to be. I have a bad feeling I just can't shake.

"I've gotta get going bunny I told dad I'd pick him up some stuff on my way home. Thank you guys for letting me have your old place." Gunnar says.

"That's what family is for." Niall says and pats him on the back. I hug Gunnar goodbye and he heads out.

Niall's POV

I need to figure out a way to take her mind off of Gunnar going off to war again. I get the perfect idea we haven't had a movie night with the boys in a while and I think it'll be the perfect thing to distract her. I walk her to the couch and get her a water.

"Baby I'll be right back I'm just gonna make a quick phone call alright love?" I tell her.

"Okay babe hurry back I need some of my favorite cuddles tonight." She says and I see the small glisten of tears brimming her ocean blue eyes.

"I'll be super quick love I promise." I say and head out back by the pool and call Louis first knowing he's closest to her of all the boys.

"Hello Nialler! What D'ya need this late?" He answers the phone.

"It's Haddie her brother is going back to war in 7 months and it's really hitting her hard. She needs some major cheering up."  I tell him.

"Say no more I'll grab the lads and come over. Give me 20 minutes or so and we'll be there." He says.

"Thank ya Lou! You're the best." We hang up and I go back inside and get her a bowl of her favorite ice cream mint cookie crumble with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top.

"Here you go my love. I know you could use this right now."

"Ni you're the best fiancé ever!" She says and kisses me and I sit down next to her with an arm around her shoulders.

About 30 minutes later Louis, Harry and Liam burst through the door.

"Never fear! Superman is here!" Louis yells with his Superman shirt on and a red cape.

Haddie starts laughing and gets up and hugs Louis. "How did you guys know?"

"You're amazing fiancé gave me a ring and said you needed some cheering up from the sass master." Louis says.

She turns to me, walks over to me, gives me a hug then kisses me.

"You're the absolute best fiancé ever. Thank you."

"Anything for you princess. I love you."

"I love you too."

Authors note: hey loves so sorry for taking forever to update thank you all for the votes! I've been dealing with some personal issues and I'll be starting to update more regularly again. Better chapters to come!

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