Chapter Fourteen

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Hadley's POV

Finley is one month old and today is the day that I finally get to marry my best friend. On a sad note Gunnar gets deployed in a week. But I'll worry about that tomorrow. Today is going to be the best day of my life.

Eden walks into the bridal suite and hands me a mimosa.

"It's almost time. All your guests are here and the boys are all here and there's someone who wants to talk to you before it's time. Can I send him in?" Eden says.

"As long as it's not my soon to be husband you can." I say with a laugh and I pick up Finley from her bouncer we brought with us to give her her bottle before it's time.

Eden opens the door and it's Louis.

"Hey Lou."

"Hads you look gorgeous. Niall is a very lucky man." Louis says hugging me sideways so we don't squish Fins.

"Eh it's the luck of the Irish." I say laughing and Lou laughs too.

"I just want you to know you're like one of my sisters and I'm so proud of you and Niall for working through your problems I know I wasn't supportive when you got back together at first but now I see I was wrong. Niall is the man you were meant to be with." He says.

"Thank you Lou you're like an older brother to me." I say. "The better older brother." I whisper knowing that Gunnar is sitting on the couch in the room. Cause him and dad are both walking me down the aisle.

"You aren't a very quiet whisperer Hads." Gunn says and I laugh.

"Lou I'm so nervous." I say and hand Finley to Gunnar.

"You've got this love. Just focus on Niall and no one else. Shake it off the everything is perfect." He gives me one last hug.

"Hadley it's time." Daddy says from the door and I nod my head as Maura comes in and takes Finley to sit with her.

My dad helps me down the steps with Gunnar behind us. The bridesmaids and groomsmen are all in front of us lined up ready to walk down the aisle. The music starts and they all go down the aisle and into their places. Greg and Eden are the last to get into place before I walk down the aisle to my soon to be husband, my best friend, the father of my daughter and the love of my life.

My dad on my right side and Gunn on my left side. Little Things starts playing. I wanted to walk down the aisle to one of the songs that got this amazing man to where he is today. I couldn't be more proud to be able to call this incredible man my husband.

We walk down the aisle and my dad and Gunnar give me away to Niall.

Niall's looking at me the way any girl would dream the man she's marrying would look at her.

"You look absolutely incredible princess." He whispers I smile big and stand on the alter facing Niall. Happy tears forming in both of our eyes. As the priest does the ceremony.

"Now Niall and Hadley have choose to write their own vows." The priest says. "Niall if you would like to say your vows first."

"Hadley, the first time I saw you I knew you were the one I'm to spend the rest of my life with and I promise you that not a day that goes by will I ever let you question my love and devotion for you. We may have a rocky past but we proved to everyone that we can make it through the toughest of times. You're the princess I've dreamed about finding my whole life and I couldn't be happier. You make me the man I want to be. You and Finley are now and forever my main priority. I love you with everything I am. The way you love me I wanna give it back to you. I can't promise you white picket fences or sunny afternoons but at night when we close our eyes it's everything we've ever been waiting for. Hadley you have made me the happiest man alive and I love you more than life itself." Niall says pouring his heart out to me in his vows. I cry through every word he pours out. Crying in a cool way.

"Hadley your turn to say your vows." The priest says.

"Niall James Horan the first time my eyes met yours I knew we'd be standing here one day. You're the one I was made for. I had to kiss a few frogs... some nasty frogs," I say earning me some laughs from Niall and our guests. "To find my Prince Charming. You're not everything I've ever wanted you're more then I've ever wanted and could ever ask for. I vow to you that no matter what we go through or where life takes us I will love you unconditionally until the day I die. But the love we share is so strong that not even death could tear us apart. My heart belongs to you and you only. I will spend every day making sure you know it and never have to wonder. I love you with all of my heart and soul with everything I am. You have made me so incredibly happy. And I am so proud to become Mrs. Niall Horan."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." The priest says and Niall dips me and kisses me in front of all our friends and family. Husband and wife. Niall and Hadley Horan.

Maura comes up to us with Finley after we break our first kiss as husband and wife. Niall takes Finley in his arms.

"Our perfect little family." Niall says and kisses her tiny forehead.

We all leave and head to the place where the reception is. We cut the cake and as we eat cake the best man and maid of honor speeches have started. Greg's giving his best man speech and the boys of One Direction wanted to sing one of their songs all together as one including Zayn.

"Now everyone knows that Niall is my little brother. But no one knows besides our mum that when she was pregnant with Niall I wanted a sister so I could be the tough big brother and protect her. But luck of the Irish failed me and I ended up with a baby brother. But as luck would have it he ended up growing up and finding his princess. And today he's given me the little sister I've always wanted. Hadley welcome to the family. For years I've thought of you as my little sis but today you officially became my baby sister. You're perfect for Niall in every way. You're the better half of him." Greg says and that gets some laughs. Niall hasn't let go of my hand since we got here. We're both trying to hold onto this moment forever. "To Niall and Hadley!" Greg finishes his speech and passes the mic to Eden.

"As all of you know Hadley and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Been through all the awkward phases and all those horrible frogs Hadley's kissed. At first when I met Niall I wasn't too fond of him and I made him know it too. Sorry about that milkshake in you hair again." Eden makes some guests laugh even Niall laughed. "I wanted to protect Hadley from another frog. But I knew Niall wasn't a frog, he was her prince. I just didn't want to make it easy for him. Any who I watched them together they complimented each other so well and still do to this day. I've never seen a couple more in love than these two. They have had some pretty rough times when once it seemed like they were done. But these two are like magnets drawn together. They always get through the good times and the bad times no matter what. They are the true definition of love. When it gets hard you can't just give up and walk away that's not real love. Real love is what Niall and Hadley have they work through it even if space is needed they always come back and work through it. Niall and Hadley I wish you nothing but the best in this marriage and I couldn't be happier for my two best friends today! I love you guys."

"We love you too Eden!" I shout so everyone can hear me.

"And now a very special performance a very rare performance from all original members of  One Direction Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn." Eden introduces them and I take Finley from my dad and sit down with her as the boys perform Little Things. At my request. 

After that me and Niall have our first dance as husband and wife. Remember the song he sang for me when he asked me to marry him. He has a headset mic and Harry's playing Black and white on guitar for us as we dance Niall sings the song acoustic. He's amazing.

Niall changes some of the words.

Now we're here in black and white
Crystal clear on a starlit night
In all your gorgeous colors
I promise that I'll love you for the
Rest of my life.

He ends the song and a few hours later we're finally back home after hands down was the best night of our lives. Finley's asleep in her crib and Niall and I make love for the first time as husband and wife.

Authors note: sorry it took so long for me to update I've been dealing with some personal issues. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter kind of rush wrote it. I think some of it's good. Please keep reading sharing and voting. Thank you all for so many reads! I love each and every one of you!!! More to come soon. While you're waiting please check out my other stories I have!!!

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