Chapter Twelve

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Authors note!!! I can't believe I have over 1000 reads on this. From my old account and this one this story has the most reads! Thank you all so much for reading please keep reading and feel free to share this. Any how on to the next chapter.

Hadley's POV
Two months later.

Niall's currently in our music room and I'm making a nice hot cup of tea. I finish making my tea then I head down the hallway to listen join Niall in our music room.

I go up to him and kiss his check on my way to sit on the couch next to him. I catch him with that cute little smile he does and it makes me smile. As I'm about to sit down I feel a hot gush rush down my legs.

"Ni?" I say. He turns as he hears the worry in my voice. "My water just broke."

"Let's get you to the hospital! Slip some shoes on and I'll grab the hospital bag. Oh and I'll call ahead and tell them we're on our way."

"Niall relax." I say as I get a contraction. I lean against the wall to stabilize me. Niall rushes to my side and slips a pair of sandals on my feel and helps me to the car. He rushes back in the house to grab the hospital bag. He jumps in the car and speeds to the hospital. I three way Harry and Louis.

"Boys it's time meet us at the hospital." I say and hang up as I'm suddenly hit with another contraction. They keep getting worse and closer together. This baby is gonna come soon.

We fly up to the hospital and Niall runs in and I can tell he's freaking out. Shouldn't I be the one freaking out? Oh my Nialler. A nurse comes out with a wheelchair and helps me into it. She wheels me inside and brings me up to the maternity ward and gets me into a gown and helps me onto a bed.

"The doctor will be in to check where you're at in a moment." The nurse who's name is Greta says and goes to get the doctor.

Niall's pacing around the room anxious and nervous. He looks like he's about to have a panic attack.

"Niall babe come here." I tell him reaching my hand out to him. He quickly takes it and sits next to me. "Relax babe. I need you to relax for me. I need to be relaxed and I can't do that when you're freaking out."

"I'm sorry princess you know I'm not good at this stuff."

"I know it's alright love. Relax though we're about to meet our daughter." I say smiling and get hit with another contraction. I groan in pain and then the doctor comes in.

"Hadley nice to see you again. How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Contractions are getting very close together but other then that I'm feeling good can't wait to meet her." I get another contraction.

"Alright let me take a look and see how far dilated you are." I nod my head and the doctor goes and checks how far I am. "We need to get you pushing in a minute your fully dilated and it's time to meet your baby girl."

"Wait but my best friends aren't here yet they're supposed to be here. I can't do this without all of them." I say.

"I'm sorry love but we can't wait any longer she's coming and she's coming now."

"Ni please hold my hand." I say.

"I won't let go. I'm right here. You got this." He says and kisses my forehead.

The room fills with nurses and equipment. "Okay Hadley when I tell you to push. I need you to push as hard as you can. Okay."

"Okay." I say and nod my head. Oh fuck this hurts.

"Alright Hadley push." Doc says. And I push as hard as I can. "Okay relax." I relax a bit. "Push again. She's coming I can see her head."

I push hard again and the pain intensifies. I scream out in pain. "You're doing great baby you got this." Niall says.

"And one more push Hadley you're doing great just one more push and you'll meet your baby girl."

I give one last big push and hear the cries of a baby. My baby. My Finnley.

They wrap her in a blanket and put her in my arms. I'm so happy I start crying.

"Hi little princess I'm your mommy and your so incredibly beautiful and I love you more then life itself." I whisper to her and kiss her tiny head.

"She's beautiful. Just like her mommy." Niall says with happy tears in his eyes.

"Wanna hold our daughter?" I ask him.

"Of course I do." He says and I put Finley in his arms. "Hi princess it's daddy. You're my beautiful little princess and I will always protect you. I'll never let anyone hurt you."

As Niall's holding Finley Louis and Harry come in the room with two stuffed animals and balloons.

"Oh love she's so beautiful just like her mum. Congrats to you both." Louis says as Niall hands Finley to him. Looking down at the little girl he has a big smile on his face. "A bit of advice love I'm your sassy uncle Lou don't ever try to out sass me like you mum has."

I laugh at Louis comment to Finley. I look over at Harry who's now sitting at the foot of the bed.

"You wanna hold her Haz?" I ask him.

"I'd love to." He says and Louis places Finley gently in his arms. "So do we get to know this little angels name yet?"

"Finley Elizabeth Rose Horan." I say.

"It's perfect." Harry says.

"Beautiful name." Louis says.

"Thanks guys I'm feeling pretty tired. I'm going to take a nap. Someone call my dad and Gunnar make sure they come. And wake me when they get here." I say and Niall sits next to me he wraps is arm around me and I lay my head on his chest and drift off to sleep.

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