Chapter 11

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its been a week since harry left to london and was on his way back to los angeles as he gets to the airport harry sees his favorite body guard

"hey thanks for picking me up" harry says

"dont worry about it niall and liam are waiting in the car" the body guard says

"ok i got my luggage so lets get going before people know i am here" harry says as they walk out of the airport and soon get to the car and harry gets in

"hey how was your flight:" niall says

"long but to short at the same time" harry says "i dont think i can do this"

"harry you have to" niall says being careful of what he says in front of the driver as they leave the airport and head to harrys house and soon walks in to the house

"have you heard from louis" harry asks

"i talked to him last night told him i would be in los angeles for a week before i start my tour" niall says

"i talked to him last week" liam says

"let me text him if we are still on for tomorrow" harry says as he text louis and puts his phone away

"let me order food i am starving" niall says as he takes out his phone and orders food as they go to the living room and sit down

"do you have a plan in place" liam says

"just be honest tell him everything" harry says

"are you prepared for him to never want to talk to you again" liam says

"yeah at this point i think i just nailed the coffin shut to even try to get him back" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"i dont know what to tell you to even try to make you feel better" niall says

"nothing will help i blame all this on myself i guess i just thought this would never come out but with zayn doing all of this i have no choice" harry sa

"well lets just relax and not talk about it just know that you have all of our support and focus on harper" niall says

"thank you" harry says as the food gets to harrys house and they sit down and eat and start to watch movies and soon they all fall asleep and the next day they get up and eat breakfast and soon they leave to simons office and when they get there harry  niall and liam walk into simons office

"hey how was your flights" simon says as they all hug each other

"Good" they all say at the same time

"louis is running late harper had an appointment" simon says

"is she sick" harry asks

"no just her yearly check  up" simon says "lets go to the conference room"

"ok" they say as they get up and follow simon to the conference room and sit down as they start to talk

"louis just got here he is dropping off harper in daycare" simon  says and harry takes a deep breath "harry calm down we are all here for support"

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