Chapter 14

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and when harry hears the pop he sits up quickly on the bed and starts to cry as he gets out of bed and goes into louis room and lays down with louis as louis cuddles into harry and harry hugs louis tight as he starts to cry and louis opens his eyes

"what is wrong" louis says concerned

"i had a nightmare" harry says crying as louis kisses harry

"you want to tell me about it" louis says as he hugs harry

"it was to real i never want to loose you again i am so scared to loose you to never have you" harry cries out

"talk to me" louis says as harry starts to tell louis about his nightmare  "harry  i want everything with you i want to  marry you i want to have more babies with you i want to grow old with you i want everything we ever planned with you i never want anyone else but you"

"please tell me you love me" harry says in almost a whisper

"i (kiss) love (kiss) you" louis says as he places one last kiss on harrys lips "i want you to be my forever"

"and i want you to  be mine" harry says

"lets go to sleep we have an early morning" louis says

"can i sleep here please" harry  begs

"yes" louis says as he cuddles into harry and soon fall asleep and a few hours later louis alarm goes off "H" louis says as he shakes harry "Get up before you are late"

"nope" harry whines as he hugs louis tight

"come on before jeff goes looking for you" louis says

"fine" harry says as he stretches and  yawns and soon they get up and start to get ready to leave as they walk downstairs and see jay and anne in the kitchen "why are you up"

"we are making you breakfast" anne says as they all sit down and eat and soon are leaving to the radio station

"here take these to roman" jay says as she hands louis a to go bag

"we will be back as soon as we are done" jeff says as they walk out of the house and soon get to the radio station and when they get they park at the underground private garage and soon are taken to the room where harry was going to do his interview

"Harry " roman yells out as he hugs harry "ohh shit didnt see liam niall and louis"

"hey we missed you" niall says as they hug each other

"so i want to know if i can bring up the twitter feud with louis" roman asks

"umm ummm" harry says nervously as he looks at Louis

"im ok with it" louis says "here mom sent you breakfast"

"Tell her thank you ok come on we are going on the air in 5 minutes" roman says as they take their seats "GOOD MORNING everyone listening to me this wonderful morning and this morning we have none other than HARRY STYLES"

"umm thank you for that its the only reason i keep coming back to see you" harry says laughing

"well you are here for a special reason" roman says

"yes" harry says

"well before we get started  lets get somethings out of the way" roman says

"Ok" harry says nervously

"well your fans are going to want to know lets talk music and tour" roman says

"i have a single i am dropping in october but i am not sure what date so please bear with me" harry says "album sure and tour of course" harry says with a smile

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