Chapter 12

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Its been 2 months since the incident with taylor Kendal and zayn and louis and harry haven't heard anything but have moved on with life and harry and louis have been spending as much time as they can together and a month ago louis started recording his album and is happy with the direction he is going with and knows that a few more months and he will release his single and is excited but recently louis has been feeling not to go and decided to go to the doctor to get checked out

"louis Tomlinson" the nurse yells out and louis stands up and follows the nurse and is take a exam room "doctor bivens will be with you in a bit"

"thank you" louis says as his phone starts to vibrate and sees a message from harry and louis calls him

"hey angel where are you" harry says

"umm I had a check up should be done in about an hour" louis says

"everything ok"

"yeah fine just my yearly check up"  louis says

"ok I have an interview in an hour and am dropping off harper at daycare" harry says

"ok I have some things to do at the office so I will be there for a few hours I have to go the doctor is walking in" louis says as he hangs up the phone

"good morning what brings you in this morning" the doctor says as louis takes a deep breath

"umm my partner and I have been careless when we have sex and I took a pregnancy test and the second line was there but was very faint and the last 3 weeks I have not been feeling good and I just wanted to know if I am pregnant or not" louis says

"ok well lets rule everything out I will have the nurse come in and take care of everything I need" the doctor says as he walks out of the room and soon a nurse walks in and does what she needs to do

"I need you to pee in this cup" the nurse says as she hands louis a cup and walks into the bathroom and soon walks out as he goes to wash his hands "give us about 20 minutes and the doctor will be back with your results"

"thank you" louis says as the nurse walks out of the room and louis goes thru his emails and soon the doctor walks in

"well I don't know if I am going to disappoint you or make you happy but you are not pregnant" the doctor says and louis lets out a deep breath

"I am happy right now is not a good time but I am happy" louis says "umm how  can I go on birth control I mean I try to be as careful as I can but you know there are still some slip ups"

"we have a few options" the doctor says as he tells louis about his options

"can I get the 6 month shot" louis says

"yes of course I will be back" the doctor says as he walks out of the room and soon comes back and gives louis his shot and soon louis walks out of the room and heads to the label and goes to his office and soon hears a knock on the door

"come in" louis says as the door opens

"hey how is recording going" simon asks

"really good I am so happy with the direction everything is going" louis says with a smile

"little birdie told me that your single will be ready in the next 2 months" simons ays

"yeah thankfully Julian came and is helping me" louis says

"that is good but I am sure its more so harper than you" simon says laughing

"I am sure that is true" louis says laughing

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