Chapter 15

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Its been 18  months since louis started his world tour and a few months after his single dropped louis dropped his album and to his surprise it went straight to number on the charts and that made louis very happy and harry started his 2 weeks after louis started his tour and harry would fly to louis when he had days off and louis would do the same and louis is at his last show of the tour but was sadden that harry wasn't going to be there as he had a few last minute interviews

"louis hurry we are going to be late" jay yells out

"sorry woke up late" louis says as he puts his shoes on "who has harper"

"your dad" jay says as they leave the hotel and  head to the venue and soon are escorted to louis dressing room

"mom I cant believe I did it I finished my first world tour as a solo artist" louis says proudly

"I know booboobear I am so proud of you" jay says with a wide smile as they hug "hurry get dressed before simon comes in and you are not ready you know how his eye starts to twitch" jay says laughing

"I know" louis says as he goes into the bathroom and changes his clothes and sits on the chair as the makeup artist start to do louis hair and make up

"so how are you and harry doing" jay asks

"really good we have had some set backs but we been working thru everything and both of us being on tour has really tested our relationship but we have made it work and cant wait to just relax and enjoy my time off" louis says

"so are you going to record another album" jay asks

"yeah but I want to take my time I have a few artist that have requested to work with me so I am going to start producing in 3 weeks" louis says

"and harry"

"he has some things lined up and will keep busy but most of all we are taking a vacation just us 3 a family vacation" louis says

"good I am happy for you" jay says

"sorry mr Tomlinson I will be back I need to get some water" the makeup artist says as louis nods and she walks out of the room

"mom would you be upset if harry and I move in together" louis asks nervously

"are you and harry planning on moving in together have you talked about it" jay questions

"no we haven't I was just thinking after our tours are over but we haven't mentioned it" louis says nervously "but I want to I mean I miss him so much but I think I want to talk to him about it but I wanted to ask you first"

"well you have a kid and I know its going to happen so what ever makes you happy" jay says as she hugs louis "can I ask you are you and harry having sex is that why"

"no mom we haven't I told him I wanted to wait until we worked thru some things but honestly I know once we do again then we are going to be spending every night together" louis says

"are you happy son" jay says as the make up artist walks back into the room and she starts to do louis make up and soon they hear a knock on the door and jay opens it

"mr Tomlinson we need to get your ear piece and batter pack on"

"give me about 5 minutes almost done" the makeup artist says

"5 more minutes please" louis says and jay closes the door and 5 minutes later they are done and louis walks out the dressing room and he puts his earpiece and battery pack and soon the band starts to play as louis walks to the stage and starts to sing his first song

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