Chapter 9

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the following morning harry wakes up and starts to get ready for the day as he goes to the kitchen and sees anne in there

"how are you feeling:" anne asks

"nervous anxious every emotion in the world" harry says

"well dont think to much about it she loves you already from what you told us" anne says

"do you think louis will tell her i am her father" harry asks

"i dont know but its huge news for a baby she is 2 and probably wont understand what it means but harry dont be disappointed if louis doesnt maybe he will do it little by little she needs to get used to you" anne says

"i wont be disappointed i know its gotta be slowly i dont want to overwhelm her either" harry says

"ok and make sure to stay away from louis" anne warnes

"i will  i dont want to fight with louis anymore i want to be civil for the sake of the baby" harry says

"ok what time is niall and liam getting here" anne says

"i told them at 1" harry says

"have you told gemma" anne says

"no i want to do it in person i want to tell her everything and hear it from me" harry says as anne serves harry his plate as  robin walks into the kitchen

"what are you talking about" robin asks as anne tells him what her and harry were talking about

"your mom is right you need to take baby steps and dont overwhelm her"   robin says

"i know i was telling mom that" harry says

"ok well stick to that plan" robin says as they continue to talk and when they were done with breakfast harry goes to his room and lays down as the thoughts of harper and louis go  crazy in his mind and soon he falls asleep and before he knows it he feels someone on top of him

"Get off me niall" harry says as he wiggles around and niall falls on the floor

"get up i cant wait to meet my niece" niall says proudly

"ok let me change and we can get going" harry says as he goes to his bathroom and starts to get ready and soon walks out as they all walk downstairs

"Harry, jay just  called me paps found out about the hearing and are at the park so she says we are going to louis house" anne says

"ok" harry says as he takes a deep breathe as they all walk out of the house and go to louis house

"when your ready" anne says as they all take a deep breath and get out of the car and walk to the front door and harry rings the door bell and soon jay opens the door

"come in louis is upstairs finishing getting the baby ready" jay says "have a seat i will go get louis"

"ok thank you jay" harry says as he hugs her as niall and liam walk in and hug jay and jay closes the door and goes upstairs

"louis they are here" jay says

"umm ok" louis says nervously as he sits on the  floor and hugs harper tight "munchkin"

"yeah mommy" harper says

"you know you have a daddy and i want you to meet him" louis says as calmly as he can

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