Chapter 13

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"H hurry we are going to be late" niall says in a hurry

"im coming i cant believe its happening" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"i know just calm down we have practiced this since day one" niall says'

"i know but im still just never mind" harry says as they get into harrys car and harry starts to drive to the church and when they get to the church harry and niall get off the car" you have the rings"

"yeah" niall says as they walk into the church

"harry niall good you made it" liam says

"barely" harry says

"harry you are here and niall you are here we are ready to start" the wedding planner says as the song starts to play and they all walk walk down the aisle as they start to get into place and soon another song starts to play as the door opens and harry looks up and sees louis walking down the down the aisle and harry cant help but smile as he stares at louis and before louis gets to the alter he stops

"who gives this man away" the priest says

"his mother and I" dan says with a wide smile as dan places louis hand on top of his waiting grooms hand as they walk to the alter and stand before the priest as louis looks as harry and harry starts to cry

"im sorry" harry whispers and louis shakes his head as he stares at his groom

"do you louis take this man as your lawfully wedding husband" the priest says

"yes i do" louis says with tears falling

"NO you cant please dont" harry yells out

"stop Harry stop" liam says as he gets harry and hugs him tight

"NO PLEASE DONT MARRRY HIM marry me please marry me I love more than he will ever love you" harry continues to yell out over and over as harry sees louis run out of the church and the door slams shut

and harry sits up in his bed and starts to cry as he looks at the clock as he takes out his notebook and starts to write his feeling

"i cant loose him i cant" harry tells himself over and over again as he cries into his pillow and soon falls asleep again as he holds his pillow tight wishing it was louis and the following morning harry gets up and changes his clothes as he drives to his therapist office which he had started seeing 6 months before to help him deal with his insecurities

"morning harry" the therapist says

"hi" harry says

"so what are we going to talk about today I know you have a tight schedule"

"umm I had another dream about loosing louis this time he was getting married" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"tell me about it" the therapist says as harry tells him about the dream "its your fear letting you know what is going to happen you subconsciously know but your dreams actually show you"

"but I don't want to loose him" harry says as he starts to cry

"did you and louis have a fight"

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