Chapter 1

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its been a year since one direction went on break and louis and harry have worked past their arguments and are happier than ever as harry started to writing for his first solo album harry and louis made time when ever they could

"princess" harry yells out as he walks into louis apartment

"bedroom" louis yells out as harry walks into the room

"what are you doing"

"just packing my bags why" louis says

"where you going"

"i told you i was going to meet with steve aoki about a possible collab" louis says


"do you even listen to me" louis says trying not to get mad "4 months ago"

"how long"

"4 days" louis says

"ohhh i am leaving to new york for a week for some meetings, meet me there" harry says

"sure after my meeting i will fly to your apartment when i am done" louis says

"have you heard nialls single he wants to drop"

"yeah he sent me a copy a few days ago" louis says

"are you going to do a solo album you know the fans are going to want one after niall and i release ours" harry says

"i want to but i dont know there is too much going on but i think if i release a song here and there that should be good, but i want my first album to be amazing" louis says "how much more do you have to record"

"we are still writting should start recording by the end of the year" harry says

"well order some food im gonna shower and then we can cuddle" louis says as harry takes out his phone and orders the food

"should get here in 30 minutes" harry says as louis walks out of the bathroom with nothing on

"lets see what trouble we can get into" louis says as harry cant stop staring at louis as he licks his lips "daddy can i suck your dick please" louis says with a sad voice as he drops to his knees and starts licking over harrys pants and undoes the button and zipper and shoves harrys dick in his mouths as he moves back and forth and harry puts his hand on louis head and thrust into louis and louis moves back and takes a deep breath as he goes back and continues to suck on harrys dick louis continues

"im g" is all harry can say as the doorbell starts to ring as louis starts to stroke harry as he starts to suck harder as harry puts his hand on louis head once again as the doorbell rings again and as harry starts to come into louis mouth

"you taste so good daddy" louis says with a smile "now go answer the door"

"give me second" harry says as the doorbell rings again and harry takes a deep breath and pulls his pants up and goes to answer the door "liam come in"

"is louis here" liam asks

"yeah he is getting dressed, is everything ok" harry questions

"yeah just was in town and wanted to drop by and say hi" liam says as louis walks down the stairs and sees liam and goes to him and gives him a hug

"missed you" louis says

"missed you too" liam says as the door bell rings again and louis answers it and starts to cry as he sees niall at the door laughing

"what...did you guys plan this" louis says

"no" liam and niall say at the same time

"we ordered food let me order more" louis says as they go into the living room and sit down as louis gets off the phone "pizza should be here in 30 minutes"

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