Chapter 6

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its been 18 months since louis started producing music and has loved every minute of it and as harper got older she starts to join louis when he starts to produce music and even has a small play area i the studio nick and louis tried to make things work but couldnt and decided to stay as friends and 3 months after he moved to los angeles louis closed on the house he wanted and 3 months later he moved in

"harper grace" louis yells out as he runs after the toddler

"no mommy no" Harper yells out laughing

"get your shoes on or you are staying and uncle ed is recording tonight" louis says as harper stops

"unkle eddie" harper yells out

"yes" louis says "and we have to go or i am going to be late"

"ok no shoes" harper says

"you need to wear shoes and socks" louis says

"i take off at studio"

"only your shoes" louis says

"Ok" harper says as she starts to pout and bat her eyes

"stop that harper grace or i will call nana" louis says

"i tell nana you mean to me and she spank you" harpers says with sass and attitude as louis laughs and shakes his head

"i cant with you" louis says he sits on the couch and harper sits next to him as louis puts her shoes and socks on and soon they walk out of his house and drives to the studio and gets harper off the car and they walk in the building

"afternoon miss harper you ready to make beautiful music" the receptionist says

"yeah i work mommy play" harper says

"i know i hear and my are you popular with everyone" the receptionist says

"i cute like mommy" harper says with a smile

"you are much cuter than your mommy" the receptionist says

"i know" harper says as louis and the receptionist start to laugh

"modest isnt she"

"seriously" louis says laughing "we better get going before we are late"

"bye" harper says as she waves her hand and louis and harper go to the elevator and walk in and soon get to their floor and walk out "uncle simon" harper yells out as she runs to simon and simon picks her up and hugs her tight

"how is my favorite tomlinson" simon says

"good i helper to mommy and uncle ed" harper says with pride

"good so you can make sure they are working if they dont you tell me ok" simon says

"i will" harper says as she nods

"louis you will need to be out of the building next week harry is coming in to renegotiate his contract before he records his next album" simon says

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