Chapter 7

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"sure you can pick out 1 treat since you have been a good girl today" louis says as harper looks as louis and smiles as they go tot he candy aisle  and harper starts to look for a candy and soon picks it out and puts it in the cart "ok we just need to get milk and we are done"

"ok" harper says as as they get to the dairy aisle and louis opens the door and takes out the gallon of milk and as he turns around louis looks up and sees a famliar face "HAWWY" harper yells out as she smiles and louis eyes get wide "mommy it my friend hawwy"

"mommy" harry questions as he stares at harper

"i have to go" louis says as he panics as he picks up harper and walks out of the store leaving their groceries in the cart as harry walks after louis

"louis stop" harry demands as louis gets to his car and puts harper in her carseat "is she mine she looks like me"

"no she isnt yours she is mine" louis says

"louis tell me the truth" harry says

"that is the truth" louis says as he starts to cry "just stay away from me i hate you"

"please talk to me" harry says

"I have nothing to tell you everything was said and done its over between us i never want to see you again just leave me the fuck alone and go be with your whores i never want you near me again" louis yells out as he hears harper crying "i need to get my baby to bed its past her naptime"

"louis stop is she mine" harry yells out as anger starts to get the best of him

"i dont have to fucken answer shit from you" louis says as he hears harper cry harder louder

"when i saw her i had this urge to protect her that i needed to protect her i love her and i dont know her i fell in love with her as soon as i saw her crying in the elevator and even right now it breaks my heart to hear her crying" harry says as he starts to cry "im sorry for every wrong i have done to you"

"too late its done we are done" louis says as harper continues to cry and harry moves louis as he opens the car door and takes out harper and hugs her tight

"hawwy" harper cries out over and over and louis cant help but cry as he covers his face with his hands "mommy my hawwy"

"louis please tell me the truth" harry begs and before louis could say anything louis sees a camera flash go off

"fuck " louis says "i need to leave"

"tell me the fucken truth because if i let you leave i will never see you again" harry says with anger as another flash goes off

"give me my fucken daughter or i swear you regret this shit" louis says as another flash goes off "i need to leave"

"not until you tell me" harry demands with anger "or i will go to court and get a court ordered DNA"

"why do you fucken care remember you wanted me to abort her you wanted me to miscarry her you wished that shit on me when i told you you told me i did it on purpose to trap you so you wont leave me you told me all that shit and now you want to demand shit from me and tell you  something that you never wanted remember or did you fucken forget i am just doing want you wanted you wanted your fucken whores you wanted to live free and enjoy your fucken life then enjoy it we dont need shit from you she is not yours she is mine and only fucken mine" louis says with anger in his voice as he sees more paps getting close to him and harry

"im sorry i was wrong" harry says  crying

"give me my daughter" louis demands as harry hands harper to louis and louis puts her in her seat as he goes to the drivers side of the car and gets in and drives away as harry goes to his car and  decides to follow louis as louis gets to his house harry pulls up behind louis and tom pulls up after harry "leave my house or i will call the fucken police"

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