Chapter 4

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its been 4 months since louis last saw harry and louis was happy about it and moved into his house when he was 7 months pregnant and decided to move back to his parents house when he hit his 9th month so when he has the baby he wont be alone louis has been trying to see the gender of the baby but hasnt been able to and louis is at his next appointment

"louis tomlinson" the nurse says as louis stands up and jay walks with him

"mom i swear this baby is more stubborn than me why is the baby torturing me" louis whines as he sits down on the table and the nurse walks out of the room

"cuz this baby is going to be stubborn like you and harry" jay says laughing

"uughgh why me" louis says

"well if we cant see the gender today you will know in the next few weeks" jay says

"i cant wait to meet my baby" louis says with a smile as he rubs his baby bump and soon the doctor walks in

"afternoon mr tomlinson" the doctor says as he walks in the room

"afternoon doc" louis says

"well lets get business out of the way and then lets see of we can see the gender" the doctor says

"thank you" louis says

"well you are on track baby looks good the baby is in position for delivery so unfortunately i wont be able to see the gender but i think you might deliver in the next week or so" the doctor says "if your water breaks come straight to the hospital immediately"

"ok i will" louis says as he sits up and jay helps him off the table and soon they walk out of the doctors office and go back to jays house "mom stop i think that is harry"

"let me turn on this street get in the back seat i will park in the garage" jay says as he turns the next street and louis gets in the back seat and puts the seat down and lays down and jay gets to her house and parks in the garage and louis gets down and goes straight to his room and jay walks out of her house and sees harry and goes to his car "what did dan tell you about coming to my house"

"im sorry jay i just want to talk to louis and apologize" harry says

"he moved out a month after he lost the baby and dont you think i will tell you anything, leave my son alone or i swear i will make you regret the day your mom had you" jay says with anger as she takes out her phone and calls anne

"jay what a surprise" anne says

"anne i am sorry to call you but please call your stupid son and tell him to stop coming to my house to look for louis or i swear i will file a restraining order against him" jay threatens

"i will call him" anne says as harry drives away and jay walks back to her house

"you ok mom" louis says

"i swear i want to hit him" jay says

"stop" louis says laughing "im going to lay down peanut is really active"

"ok i will come get you when dinner is ready" louis says as he goes to his room and turns on the television and sees an interview harry was doing and raises the volume "baby that voice is your daddies" louis says as he massages his belly as the baby starts to kick him as harry starts to sing and louis couldnt help but cry as he hears the lyrics to the song

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