pt. 1/intro

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Chapter status: unedited


"damn it. where is that fucker"
I said to myself, rubbing my arms because of how cold it is.

a few moments later, my phone beeps. I look and it's a message from that bitch davin.

-I let out a frustrating sigh while putting my phone back in my bra

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-I let out a frustrating sigh while putting my phone back in my bra. I turned to the side, looking down the alley, waiting.

*5 minute time skip*

-I hear people talking, I assume it's just another one of the local gangs. not uncommon.

how annoying to listen to him being beat up

"hey can't you like beat him up quietly or somewhere else?? It's too early for this shit right now" I said yelling down the alley.

it's gone quiet- oh fuck y/n you've done it again

suddenly I'm pulled back and harshly thrown against the wall. i look down seeing a pair of expensive shoes, not wanting to look up at the person who almost broke my neck

"why don't you mind your own business babygirl?" "look at me when im speaking to you." a husky voice snaps me out of my thoughts

"why don't you find another alley to use? this one is taken" I say rolling my eyes, looking up at the neck crusher

he just chuckles, the audacity he has to just fucking chuckle right now

"listen doll, I'm Lee Jeno. " he pauses "Yes, as in from that mafia group." he says, smirking.

"listen let's skip the introductions, I don't give a fuck as to who you are and what you're doing." I huff

he raises an eyebrow, clearly very amused by what the girl just said. no ones ever said that to him before, his ego is kinda hurt.

-no ones pov-

"Listen Mr. 'Mafia,' I have a business to run. So if you'd kindly move on to whatever it is you mafias do, then it'd be kindly appreciated. I'm not trying to be caught by the police tonight, anyways." She spat.

"Police? What police?" he says confused

"your kind are associated with them, you bring them with you wherever you go." I rolled my eyes at him

He aggressively grabs her waist and pushes her back against the wall. "you will not lie on my name. roll your eyes one more time and I swear I'll scope them out." he screams in her face. "What's your name doll? I'd like to know you better." he added

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