pt 18: suprise

349 8 11

chapter status: unedited


"You didn't do anything wrong, Y/N. They are just idiots and don't deserve you, you shouldn't be with people like them." Rain says while consoling a crying Y/N.

"B-but I love them so much I should probably just talk it out, right?" Y/N responds back

"Maybe. If they don't understand, then you break up with them." Rain says, Y/N nods. The bell rings signaling the end of the day and Y/N starts to leave.

"well let's hope they won't understand." rain whispers under her breath while watching Y/N walk away.


"is haechan here?" Y/N asks Taeyong who is cooking with Kun in the Kitchen.

"yeah, the dreamies should be here. I thought you'd be with them actually, did something happen?" He asks.

"well at school I hang out with this girl and she wants me to be with her all the time. Haechan got mad saying I don't put boundaries up and that I do things with her that I should be doing with the boys, especially since I'm dating them."

Taeyong nods his head then hums. "Seems like you're not showing them enough attention, and you should always have a boundary. Something that someone can't cross. Especially a friend at that. With my wife we have a safe word to let each other know if we're crossing a line." he says.

"you're married? since when?" I ask him out of shock.

"For a few months now, she's been pregnant and is due in a few days." He says

"but that's besides the point. you should talk to him, you know? and probably the rest of dream after."

"yeah I know, I just worry I won't be able to fix this problem." Y/N says.

"Well it wouldn't hurt to try, will it?" Taeyong laughs, "if you don't go and try to make up with them, then you'll have extra training and it'll be with jaehyun and Johnny."

"That's so unfair bro"

"yeah yeah life's unfair" he says waving his hand, "now move along I gotta cook for you children, unless you think you'd want the extra training?" he raises an eyebrow.

Y/N quickly starts making her way out of the kitchen, "on second thought I think I'll go talk to them, thanks for the advice dad!"

Taeyong sighs after Y/N leaves. "Having children is fun, they said. Children help you, they said. well obviously somethings not adding up with this parenting thing, I hope my own child won't be like these idiots" he says leaning on the kitchen counter.

"oh shit is that my hand burning?"


"Taeyong why is your hand wrapped like that?" Taeil asks while crossing his arms.

"I burnt it."

"what the fuck, you know what? I'm not even gonna ask how that happened." "I need to treat your burn, come on dumbass." Taeil says, dragging taeyong by the ear towards the medical room.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Easy on the ears, I need them!"


"come in!"

Y/N enters the room slowly, nervous about how haechan will react when seeing her.

the male is sitting on his bed while playing on his phone, he looks up when he hears the door opening.

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