pt. 11 1/2: the nct guide

342 8 7

chapter status: unedited

Location: my room

Y/N pov

Note: hi Y/N! Welcome to NCT. We hope you are useful to dream and our combined team and that you will see us all as family in time. I know it's not the most ideal situation considering why you're in this mess, but I'll make sure the boys treat you well. Anyways, I'll start with the introductions to the guys. Starting with unit 127.

NCT 127:

                                      NCT 127:

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The first group of NCT that was created. We are the most skilled and experienced, we have the higher authority. We love hanging out together and with the other units. We have made many alliances due to our experience and we love doing what we do.

 We have made many alliances due to our experience and we love doing what we do

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Moon Taeil:
This is the oldest guy of NCT, We love making fun of him for it. He is a medic and is very cute. He tries to act all intimidating and mysterious but we all see through him and consider him an older brother. He is my right hand man. Code name is Moon.

Kim Doyoung: Our Planner and treasurer

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Kim Doyoung:
Our Planner and treasurer. He's super smart and good at money management. He uses time to his advantage and helps us execute our missions perfectly in the most efficient way. Can be dangerous if mad or pissed off, is sassy. Helps take care of the financial assets and liabilities of the mafia. Code name is Bunny.

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