pt 16: initiation

370 7 26

chapter status: unedited because it's currently 3 am and I'm running on little to no sleep


"So for the initiation test you have to go through three rounds. You have combat and fist fighting first, then you have to use a gun properly and hit the exact spot you're told to three times in a row, and lastly you have to take a quiz on how to asses and treat wounds incase of any injury on a mission or during any future training." Taeyong says through the speakers on the wall.

"You three will take the test at the same time, but will start different rounds. Shotaro you start with round three, Sungchan starts at round two, and Y/N takes round one respectively. After that, you just move upwards for rounds and you only have 10 minutes to complete them."

Shotaro, Sungchan, and Y/N all look at each other and smirk.

"With that said, your time starts now."

(Keep in mind all of NCT are watching all three of them on the TV's in the house, as they are broadcasted on them. The people who supervise and work in the rounds are people who work under NCT.)

Shotaro, Sungchan, and Y/N all run off to their given areas and begin their tasks.

Shotaro grabs the quiz materials from a staff member and starts filling it out.

Sungchan puts on the headphones and glasses, then begins to shoot. He has impeccable aim, so this part of the test is easy for him. He passes, aiming at all three given locations perfectly.

All of the boys watching collectively gasp, being amazed at how laid back he was when shooting. Nothing but the best in NCT, they thought.

Meanwhile, Y/N enters the fighting area and different men all attack her at once. She kicks the first one in the face, turning around to uppercut the guy behind her.

"oh shit that's gotta hurt" mark says to renjun, while looking up at the tv screen.

Y/N proceeds to twist back another attackers shoulder, pinning him onto the ground. she grabs her fourth attacker by the wrist, spinning them so their back is against her stomach. She then kicks them behind their knee caps so they fall on the floor.

"One minute left, recruits."

She knocks them out for extra caution, and then moves on to her last attacker. He manages to catch her off guard a little, using his left hand to grab her ankle. It doesn't sway her though, she bumps her head on his making him let go and stumble back. She then punches him in the face really hard making him lose consciousness.

"Oooh" the boys all say

"Times up, round examiners please put a thumbs up if the recruit has passed the round." Taeyong starts,

"Examiner 1 for round one, did Y/N pass?" The examiner puts his thumb up.

"Examiner 2 for round two, did Sungchan pass?" The examiner checks the dummy for the bullet holes and then puts a thumb up.

"Lastly, Examiner 3 for round three did Shotaro pass?" The examiner looks at the answer sheet and quickly grades shotaros quiz.

Everyone is silent, waiting for his answer.

The examiner raises his hand into a thumbs up, making everyone sigh in relief.

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