pt. 4: the escape

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chapter status: unedited


it's been a month. a whole month of all of them treating me like an object.

I'm tired of hiding my emotions, I'm tired of being an object to talk about. I'm starting to like seeing people in pain. I don't think I can't take it anymore, I have to escape.

luckily, I have a warehouse near here where they can't find me. Now I just need to escape.

I sit down at the dinner table glancing at all of them, I smirk.
oh how I can't wait for tonight

it's 3 am and I've decided I'm gonna jump out of the window. Crazy, right? no not really. the guards switch every hour and it takes about 10 minutes for new ones to show up at the gate. I can't go downstairs or the boys will see me.

I carefully open the window, holding my breath as I look at the ground, it's just two stories. nothing to worry about.

"come on y/n, hurry up. you can do this" I say to myself.

I finally get the courage to jump down. I run through the courtyard and out the gates. I just keep running until I recognize places.

Finally, I recognize the mcdonalds I always go to near my second warehouse. I breathe a breath of relief and start sprinting towards the warehouse, locking the doors and turning on the security system.

I head to my room and lay on the bed.

"that was easy. too easy."

or so I thought.

*skip to 4 months later*

I'm currently at school. Don't worry, I transferred and I don't see nct dream. I haven't since that day. Everything's been pretty okay.

I've gotten over my fear of guns, trained to fight better, learned how to be brave and act fearless. Im proud of the person I've become, a sexy independent woman that can hold her own. I'm still nervous when I'm around guys though.

next week I have another client to meet at a club. Life is good

Anddd there's the bell. Time for lunch.

I walk to my locker and open it, an envelope. It's color is pearl neo champagne.

Confused, I open it and take out the paper inside it.

"we'll get you soon, y/n"

is all it said in red writing. that's weird, red ink isn't something people usually use to write. It's considered unlucky

I shrug it off and walk to class.

Location: at the club to meet the client

everything has been well since the letter. I'm getting dressed to meet my client at the club, he asked for 3 pounds of cocaine and I need to give it to him at a club.

my outfit:

my outfit:

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