pt 21: death

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chapter status: unedited


It's the morning of the next day and Lisa remains by Y/N's side as the hours pass, there's no sign of Y/N waking up anytime soon.

Y/N's heartbeat has dropped to a really low rate and shes lost a lot of blood. Hopefully her body will start working.

The8 has survived thankfully, due to a last minute blood transfusion.

Everyone is well in the hospital except y/n.

At NCT's base:

"It's about time you two woke up, we've been awake for two hours." "Take the medicine on the tray and I'll text taeil to bring food." Jaemin says to jeno and haechan.

All of dream are still in the hospital beds in the big room. They have IV's inserted in them.

Jeno and haechan take the medicine while jaemin texts taeil.

"Are you guys okay?" Jeno asks in a raspy voice. They nod.

"What happened to WayV and 127? Sungtaro, Y/N?" Haechan questions.

Everyone gets quiet.

"Yangyang got stabbed but is okay, that's all we know. We haven't left the room yet and taeil hasn't told us anything about the other members or y/n." mark explains, to which the two nod.

Soon after, taeil enters with two food trays and drinks.

"Glad to see you two up, I hope you've taken your medicine." He says, "please eat and drink lots of fluids."

"What happened to the other members and Y/N?" Jisung speaks up looking at taeil.

"well um the other members are okay.." he says raising suspicion.

"and y/n?" Renjun raises a brow.

"We don't know how she is"

"what do you mean you don't know! She's here, right?" Chenle yells

"Listen you all need to calm down. I'll call taeyong to check on her." "You guys shouldn't stress out or you'll pass out again." Taeil says, the boys nod but still feel unsatisfied.

Taeil leaves the room.

"He's definitely hiding something and knows where she is. hopefully she's okay." Mark says.


"They want to know where y/n is" Taeil says as he sits with everyone but y/n and dream in the meeting room.

"I don't know where she is? she's with seventeen though, right?" Taeyong asks to which taeil nods, "hold on I'll call seungcheol and put it on speaker."

Taeyong takes out his phone and calls the number, "hello? taeyong?"

"yes, hi seungcheol. How are you all? Is everyone okay?"

"Yes we're doing good, just dealing with some scratches haha."

"Ah okay, how's y/n?"

"uh well.." he trails off, causing NCT to get worried.

They start panicking.

"Well what, coups? Spit it out please!" Taeyong cries

"I'll give the phone to our medic who treated her."

"Okay" Taeyong says looking at his members for a second

"hi, this is Jun. seonghwa from ateez and I had to preform surgery on her, she was bleeding out." "The gunshot wound caused major organ damage and she's been in a coma ever since. There's a high death rate with these types of injuries and she usually has 24 hours for her body to either try regenerating itself or fail." The man says.

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