Letters part 2

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"Give me my letters back!" You slammed your fist down on Hotch's desk.

"We can't. You don't understand why now but I assure you, eventually you will." He kept his voice monotoned, avoiding eye contact with you.

"Agent Hotch- Aaron, look at me." You didn't speak again until you were holding eye contact with Hotch. "There is no reason you shouldn't be able to give them back. I don't just Barge into your house and take your personal things."

"I'm sorry we just can't return them." JJ said.

You turned to where you could make direct eye contact with her. "JJ please there all I have left of my family." Your voice slightly broke.

"I know. But I have to do my job and part of that job is holding these. Im sorry." Her voice sounded genuine.

You scoffed before looking back and forth between Hotch and JJ. "Don't act like you two don't understand what it's like. Hotch your wife was murdered correct? Would you like it if I just walked in and stole her things. The things that you kept to remind you of her?" Next you turned to JJ. "And you. How would you feel if I took your sisters necklace and refused to give it back?" You were basically crying as you spoke.

"Please, i need those letters." You felt so exposed. You felt like no one could comfort you. In that moment it was like you were re living it all over again.

"Im sorry. We can't give them to you." Hotch looked away.

You felt the panic attack bubbling in your chest. You couldn't breath. Tears streamed down your face. Your voice came out a whisper as you spoke. "Oh I'm just gonna go find the bathroom. Sorry for the inconvenience."

You dashed out of the room into the bullpen. Just before you made it past the desks you felt a cold hand grab your wrist. You looked down to see Emily prentiss staring up at you.

Your eyes locked together as you tried to shake of her touch. "Y/n, tell me what's going on."

You shook your head at her. "They won't give them back. My letters." A tear rolled down your cheek.

"I know honey. I told them too but they didn't comply. I'm sorry." Her voice sounded genuine. She wasn't lying to you.

You feel into her embrace, burring your head in the crook of her neck. "I'm sorry hon I promise Aaron and Spencer and JJ have a good reason to be keeping them from you it's just not for you to know yet."

"Spencer?" You untangled yourself from Emily and stood. "Spencer said he didn't know why they were keeping them. He knows?" Your voice was above a speaking tone but not quite a yell.

"I'm sorry I didn't know they didn't tell you I-" Emily looked flustered.

You quickly walked out of the room back by the elevators were Spencer was standing.

You stood in front of him. Your gaze was sharp enough to slice threw a apple in that moment. "You knew."

He let out a sigh.

"You knew why they were keeping those letters and you didn't tell me!" Your voice raised slightly.

"Let's talk about this at home." The elevator doors opened suddenly. You and Spencer walked into them.

The whole ride down the elevator shaft was quiet. The air was heavy. You tried to avoid Spencer's gaze, but you could feel it burning threw you from behind.

Suddenly the ground Beneath you shook. Your balance unsteadied and you fell to the floor of the elevator. Your head hit the floor harshly. You rubbed the side of your head lightly before rubbing your eyes and getting of the floor.

You turned your head to see Spencer standing up. His eyes were pointed down at his shoes. His body shook slightly, as small noises came from him.

"Spence are you okay-" he lifted his head making eye contact with you. The mother fucker was laughing.

"This isn't funny." You slightly slapped his shoulder.

"I'm sorry it's just the way you hit the floor-" he was laughing so hard he could barely get his words out.

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He tilted your chin up to look at him.

"I'm mad at you for lying to me." He stopped laughing and gazed deeply into your eyes.

"I know you are and I'm sorry. But really you just have to trust me. I promise I have my reasons. Sounds n enough you will know." He kissed your forehead.

"Trust you?" You answered back.

"That's what realistic love is darling."he rested his chin on top of your head.

"Some times I wish I lived in a fiction world." You mumbled.

"Why's that?"

"Those sit com tv shows rarely ever end badly. Sure some of the stuff that happens to them is a little crazy but it always ends well." You smiled at your boyfriend.

"With all the stuff that's happened to us you would think we did live in a fiction world."

You giggled before he pressed a kiss to your lips. His mouth tasted sweet like strawberries. You allowed his tongue to slip into your mouth, deeping the kiss.

Spencer's snaked his hands under your shirt cupping your breasts. He moved his lips down your neck leaving hickeys in his wake.

One of his hands snaked down your pants. He rubbed up and down your clothes slit. Spencer sunk down to his knees before pulling down your sweat pants.

"Spence were in a elevator." Your voice raised a octive and you giggled.

"Well we better be quick before this thing starts up again."

Before you could even answer Spencer threw one of your legs over his shoulder. His lips attached to your clit, sucking harshly.

You moaned quietly so no one outside the elevator could hear you. Spencer's faced moved lower. He was now right up against your opening. He pushed his tongue in and out of you quickly.

His nose rubbed up against your clit as he continued to move in and out of you. You knew you wouldn't last long. You felt the knot in your stomach untie as you came undone on Spencer's face.

Spencer licked up your thighs to clean up the mess. You pulled up your pants quickly. Suddenly the elevator started moving down again.

The elevator doors pulled apart and you and Spencer stepped out. The doors shut behind you as you laced your fingers together with his.

"Let's go home."

You smiled at him as you left the building.

Sorry for the short chapter:)

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