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Today was the day! You and spencer had just finished watching your beautiful little boy open his Christmas presents while you held your new born daughter in your arms. Now the whole team was coming over to celebrate the holiday with you and your family.

Soon after you got married, you and Spencer moved into a two story brick house with a basement. Soon after you moved you had learned you were pregnant with your first son, teddy Aaron Reid, who was now three years old. Ten months ago you had forgotten to take your birth control for a few days, and poof, a month ago you gave birth to a gorgeous daughter, Amelia Penelope Reid. Amelia was after a women who started working at your hospital, and your best friend after mark sadly passed.

You sat on your couch with Spencer's arm around you, and amelia in yours. Teddy sat on the floor Reid one of those little farm books. You know the ones like, the cows goes moo, the pig goes oink! "It always amazes me how he can read at such a young age." You said as you admired your son.

"He's gifted. He's gonna do great things." Spencer kissed your forehead.

You leaned into his touch. "I second that." You looked down at your baby girl. "And your going to do great things too! Right Amy?" Spencer slightly chuckled.

"She's gonna be a doctor just like her mommy." He said as he stroked the baby's hair.

"I hope she's something more normal. Like an FBI agent." You joked.

"Hello?" You heard from the foyer suddenly.

"Jj, Emily!" You squealed as you handed Spencer the baby and ran to your friends. You and jj had become much closer in the last few years after you resolved your differences.

Jj had brought her family with her, including will. You left the older kids the play in the living room and you and Spencer showed them to the kitchen.

Shortly after the rest of the team arrived, and so did many different desserts penny made.

Spencer stood next to you in the kitchen, holding teddy in his arms, and you had Amelia in yours. Suddenly you heard Dereks loud voice. "Cute family you made there pretty boy."

"This is y/n's cute family. She had to carry them for nine months after all. Spencer smiled.

"Speaking of cute family, it's almost 6:30 so I'm gonna go put Amelia to bed".

"You want me to come with you?" Spencer asked.

You could see in his eyes that he wanted to come with so you handed teddy to Derek and David and went upstairs.

Once you made it into your room Spencer laid her down on the bed to swaddle her. "She's a sleep girl." He commented.

"Her mommy's a sleepy girl too." You let out a sigh as you sat down on the bed.

Spencer finished swaddling the already asleep baby and laid her down in her Bassinet. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to you. "How are you feeling darling?" Spencer asked as he put his arm around you.

"I'm sleepy. and my boobs hurt." You leaned your head on his shoulder.

Spencer chuckled a little. "I'm sleepy too, but we have guest over so we should probably go back down stairs.

"Give me one minute." You said as you let out a expatriated sigh.

"You don't want to miss teddy opening his presents from Emily and hotch." You shot up immediately.

"Okay come on down stairs we go." You both giggled as you walked down the stairs.

You walked into the living room to find the team all sitting on the couch chatting away. As soon as you sat down teddy ran over and jumped up on your lap. Spencer sat next to you with his arm slung around your shoulders. "Hi mommy." Teddy said as he snuggled his head into your chest.

"Hi sweetheart." You ran your fingers threw his curls.

"Wanna be an airplane teddy?" Spencer asked your son.

"Yeah!" Spencer scooped up teddy and stood up.

As you watched all your friends laugh at Spencer flying his son around the room, you realized there was nothing more you could ever want. You had a god like husband who treated you like you've always deserved to be treated. You had the most intelligent energetic son, and the most beautiful baby daughter anyone's ever had. Bust most of all for the first time in your life, you loved yourself.

Your family had made you love yourself. Spencer had made you love yourself. So as he sat back down with your son on his lap, and whispered sweet nothings in your ear, you had everything you've ever wanted.


That's a wrap! I gave them a cute family even though I really wanted it to end sad I didn't do it cause I'm to kind. I love you guys and hope you read my new book as well. Thank you for reading and if you stayed this long I appreciate it ❤️❤️

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