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On New Years' Eve...

It has been a few days since you arrived home from California. Thirty minutes before midnight, families in your neighborhood are setting up their chairs and grills outside of their homes, and kids setting up the fireworks.

You were on the balcony, sitting on a chair, fidgeting with the guitar from Ryujin. With the lyrics you wrote when you arrived in California, you start to sing some of them while strumming.

You: "Ba ba ba-ra
bab bam barid bam bam ba-ra
I wish you were here..."

Over at Ryujin's place...

After changing into a casual outfit, Ryujin looks at herself in the mirror.

Knock... Knock...

Ryujin turns around to see her brother at the door.

RJ's Brother: Mom and Dad finished setting up for tonight.

He noticed Ryujin's outfit.

RJ's Brother: Ooh, I wonder where my yeodongsaeng is going. Did you get a date?

Ryujin: Aniyo, oppa. I am going to see my neighbor.

RJ's Brother: Ah, that crush of yours.

Ryujin: She is not a crush. The company that we are under has this no dating policy for trainees.

She looks at the time on her clock.

Ryujin: Shoot, I got to go!

Back to you...

You take out a box from your pocket.

You: (I hope Ryujin will like this late Christmas present.)

After successfully passing the written test and obtaining your license, you rent a car to drive to a nearby mall.

When you arrived inside, you start making your way to a jewelry store.

Employee: Welcome! Can I help you with anything?

You: I am looking for a Christmas gift for an overseas friend of mine.

Employee: It sounds like a special friend to me.

You: Oh, it is not like that. There is a policy where you are not allowed to date.

Employee: Ah, I see it. So what kind of gift are you getting for this friend of yours?

You: I do not know. Maybe a necklace for an Aries or a person who is a Year of the Snake.

Employee: Let me see if we sell something like that.

They make their way to another counter, grabbing a necklace.

Employee: Here we go, a snake necklace.

You: Whoa, she is going to love it.

Employee: I see you care about this friend of yours.

You: Yes, yes I do. I will take it.

Mom: Heyoon!

Your thought gets interrupted when your parents open the sliding door, causing you to look over.

Dad: Are you going to be okay here by yourself, honey?

Mom: Some people are going downstairs to light some fireworks and grill.

You: Ne. It's better to get a good view from the balcony.

Dad: Alright.

Your dad closed the sliding door as you went back on fidgeting with your guitar.

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