25 (Alternative)

715 21 14

Since Music Bank had to cancel its broadcast due to a crew member being positive for COVID, you were in your producer room to write lyrics for two songs, but whenever you wrote something, the tweet started playing in your head.

You slam your laptop shut before running through your hair.

You: Aissi!

Knock... Knock...

You froze as the door swung open, revealing Ryujin.

Ryujin: Y/N/N, are you okay? I was heading to the dance practice room when I heard you curse.

You: Yeah, whatever. What do you want?

Ryujin was stunned by your tone.

Ryujin: Uhh... Yeji unnie and Chaeryeong want everyone to meet in the practice room to prepare for tomorrow's Music Core.

You: Okay.

You pack your songbook and laptop in your bag before you and Ryujin exit to meet with the members.

Bzzz bzzz...

You pull out your phone to see a text message.

Hey, Heyoon. Listen, you probably heard about the rumor between one of the members of your group and me. I apologize for the damage I have done. I enjoy your V Live the most since it's like you're a counselor, and you check up on your fans if something is bothering them. I hope you and your members are doing okay

Ryujin: Who was that?

You: None of your concern, Ryujin.

Back to the present, you and the girls were in the dorm since there was a schedule for tomorrow.

Sitting on the couch at 5 in the evening with your laptop and songbook in front of you with one Airpod, in case your members call you, you were finishing going over One Day.

You: "...But right now I'm drunk
Right now I'm wasted
Spillin' out my guts
To the ghosts in our apartment

Mmm they say hindsight's 20/20
Maybe I'll maybe I'll see it one day
One day, one day, I will

Ay yeah maybe I will
Mmmmm, yeah maybe I will
Yeah maybe I will"

Yeji: Heyoon unnie?

You look over to see your co-leader out of her shared room with Chaeryeong.

You: Oh, hey, Yeji. Did I bother you?

Yeji: Aniyo, but judging by the lyrics I heard, it's sad.

You: It is.

You start to think back to the rumor.

Yeji: By the way, how come you're in here instead of in the room with Ryujin-ah?

You stay quiet, causing Yeji to be concerned as she sits with you.

Yeji: Hey, what's wrong?

That's when you break down in tears, causing three doors to open.

Lia: Who's crying?

Yuna: I'm going to punch whoever made the person cry!

Chaeryeong: What's going on?

Ryujin: Y/N/N?

You look to see the rest of the members surrounding you.

Yeji: Unnie, do you want to do doran-doran?

You shake your head.

Falling For My Group Member [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now