i. hello i guess?

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SOME TYPE OF LOVE :: i, hello i guess?

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:: i, hello i guess?

Dear Future Lover,

I don't know why I'm doing this. I kinda feel empty inside and I'm bored. Um, hello I guess? How are you? Hopefully we meet eventually I don't know. You're probably wondering how I got here. You know, writing into the abyss, to no one. Pretty simple actually. My last relationship kinda sucked. We were good for awhile, I loved her. Then it wasn't good anymore, everything went out of control. Therapy didn't help. We soon called it quits and no I'm not depressed. I just wonder if there is actually someone you're meant to be with? Or is that the lie? There isn't someone, you just go on this life long roller coaster and meet people. You think they're the love of your life, then everything goes sideways.

Everyone gets divorce everyday or worse. It's pretty rare to find that one, you know? How about you? You ever been in a relationship? Hopefully yours was better than mine. I don't expect you to write back or whatever. I guess this brightens your day? I don't know gives you a glimmer of hope that something is out there for you, better than what I've told you about my life so far lol. And yes, you probably think I'm an old soul because I chose to write than send a random email. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Um, I guess that's it. Have a good day, night, or whatever your timezone is.

Your Future Lover

Sincerely, Your  Future Lover

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✓ | Some Type of Love,                                emma watson ¹Where stories live. Discover now