xxi. you make me nervous

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SOME TYPE OF LOVE :: xxi, you make me nervous  

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:: xxi, you make me nervous  

Today was the day. Today was the day Emma was going to meet the person behind the address she would send her letters too. She was excited and also very nervous. What if this person didn't feel the same? What if they're not what she thought? There were a billion reasons for her not to go but a billion more of why she should. She didn't want to keep wondering what if. She needed to know for sure. She needed to know if her fantasy could be real.

Emma finally got up from the couch she had been sitting on with her cup of coffee. She thought it was time to start getting ready since it was nearly time to meet this person. So she made her way to the bathroom, stripped then hopped in the shower. She at least wanted to smell nice even though she was meeting a total stranger.

On the other hand, Isabelle was pacing back and fourth in her bedroom. She was stalling. She was thinking of reasons why she shouldn't go. She was scared, nervous. The what ifs were getting to her and she couldn't help it. Sure she made a decision to go but that didn't stop her nerves from losing it.

I mean meeting your soulmate and not knowing them is the scariest thing but that's the point. That's how you get to know people. That's how you make friends. But this time was different. It wasn't just a feeling. It something down deep in the pit of her gut that she knew that Emma was it for her. It sounds crazy. . . she's referring to Emma Watson. A well known actress that everyone loves. So what makes Isabelle think that she's what Emma needs or wants?

Isabelle dwelled on that for the longest time before glancing at the clock and realizing it was almost time to meet Emma Watson. She headed to the bathroom and stripped to hop into the shower.

They were both so nervous.

• • •

Emma had just gotten to the waterfront. She was impatiently waiting, hoping maybe she could recognize this person. She knew that was impossible. She kept looking around, thinking maybe that's them or maybe it's her or him. She then realized she told this person she's Emma Watson so if the person does show, they would know her. But that didn't stop her from being any less nervous.

Isabelle soon arrived and she saw Emma from a distance. She couldn't believe that it was actually Emma. A person she grew up with from her tv screen. She thought Emma looked quite pretty. She knew this was a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Not everyone gets letters from celebrities, let alone Emma Watson.

So she stopped staring and finally walked over there. She tapped the blonde's shoulder and Emma turned in her direction.

"You're Emma, right? Sorry that was a stupid question. You obviously are since you said in the letters." Isabelle sighed embarrassingly, "And now I'm rambling."

Emma let a slight chuckle, "You're fine. I'm assuming you're the one getting my letters?"

"You assume right. Oh and my name is Isabelle." She thought she would just mention that in case Emma didn't know, which she didn't til now.

"Well Isabelle, would you like to walk with me?" Emma ask the dark haired woman that stood before her eyes.

Isabelle smiled and so they began to walk around the waterfront, just talking and enjoying each other's company.

Through the letters, Isabelle fell in love. It was more than just a cute crush now. Through writing them, Emma fell in love with the person she created in her mind. She realized now that this person is Isabelle but she was completely different from what she created. Emma was ok with that. In her eyes, Isabelle was way better.

That's the difference, Emma's getting to know her and Isabelle already knows her.

They kept walking and soon came to a stop to look across the water. They were both having a good time. It was a lovely so far as Isabelle would describe it.

"Can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer. I just really have to ask." Emma turned to her. They stood side by side.

Isabelle simply shrugged her shoulders, "Sure." She had nothing to hide. She was an open book or as open as she wants to be.

"Why didn't you write back?" It was the most obvious and honest question ever to be asked.

It took Isabelle a second to collect her words, "I did write back. I just never sent them."

"Why?" Emma's eyes met Isabelle's.

"I guess I was afraid of rejection." Isabelle let out an awkward chuckle.

Emma was quite stunned that Isabelle thought that. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Are you crazy? Who wouldn't want you? You're so beautiful and from what I've learned in the last hour, you're incredibly smart. Don't belittle yourself, love." Emma told her.

"Yeah well, tell that to me ex fiancé." Isabelle put out there even though they're on good terms now.

"He or she didn't deserve you then." Emma sent her a smile and Isabelle returned that smile.

Their hands soon connected. Their fingers were intertwined as they continued to look out into the ocean. It was so beautiful. Isabelle thought Emma was so beautiful, who wouldn't?

With their hands still attached to one another, Isabelle turned to Emma. "Do you want to read them? I have them back at my place."

"The ones you wrote?" Emma questioned even though she already knew the answer.

Isabelle responded with a nod and so they began to leave the waterfront and head to Isabelle's place. None of them couldn't believe what was happening or that this was happening. Emma found it refreshing because Isabelle is normal. She has a regular job and the world doesn't know her name. Emma also liked the fact that she knew nothing of this dark haired beauty.

She had her fair share of celebrities but she knew them already. . . kind of like everything. But Isabelle, she knew nothing about. She liked that it was a mystery. Emma felt like a normal person with just hanging around her. She wasn't just in love with the person she created in her head anymore, Isabelle was completely different. She was now slowly but surely falling for the real thing.

to be continued . . .


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along chapter?

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