5. I Will Help You

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Yall I really like this picture. Like hella. Also sorry for leaving it on such a cliff-hanger and not updating for a bit lol. Anyways, enjoy!

Shuichi's POV

"Why so sad, Shumai? I thought everybody here wanted me dead."

As soon as Kokichi said those words, I felt my stomach drop. He... wanted to die because of all the others?

"Nobody here wants you dead! They might be a little cold towards you, but they don't want you dead!" I exclaimed, my voice pleading. I needed to convince Kokichi that everybody else could befriend him.

"Oh yeah? You aren't with me twenty-four seven! You don't see the death threats, the notes they anonymously send, the glares I get!" Kokichi yelled, surprisingly loud for somebody who just woke up. "Everything in your world is perfect and great! You aren't sick, you have friends, everybody trusts you, and a few of the girls probably like you! But what do I have? NONE OF THAT!"

He sighed.

"Why couldn't you have just let me die?"

Kokichi looked defeated. I was shocked. He was going through so much, and I was too stupid to figure it out.

"Now let me go to sleep." He turned to face the wall and hid his head underneath the covers.

I tensed up, trying to keep tears from falling. I will do more. I'm gonna make sure Kokichi stays alright. I got up from my chair and walked to his bathroom. I flushed the petals down the toilet, then started cleaning the bathroom tiles. I left the door open to make sure Kokichi could see me. I wanted him to know I would always be here, no matter what happens.

"What are you doing?" I heard a creaky voice sound from the other room. Kokichi.

"Cleaning the bathroom."


"Because you said you wanted to sleep." I glanced at him through the doorway, a soft smile on my lips. When I saw his face, he looked shocked. I could only guess it was because nobody had ever really done something like this for him.

"Don't worry." I murmured. "I'll help you whenever you need. Feel free to ask! I like being around you."

My face probably started turning red after what I said, but it seemed that my words got to Kokichi. All the tears he was holding in came rushing out, all the emotions he was carrying flooding the room in a tsunami of feeling. I almost started crying just because he was. But I had to stay strong. For Kokichi.

I calmly walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his tiny body, holding him as tight as I could without strangling him. His head rested on my chest as he continued to weep.

"I will always be right here. If you ever seem to forget that, I'll drill it into your head until you remember. When you can't sleep at night, come to me. When you need company, come to me. When you think you're all alone, come to me. Please do it. Because I l-... because you mean a lot to me." I silently cursed myself for almost spilling my own feelings. I guess the emotional atmosphere started chipping away at the wall I built to contain them.

Kokichi looked up at me with doubtful, almost blank eyes.


I smiled down at him, stroking his hair.

"Of course! Why would I lie to you? You would obviously catch on!"

Kokichi's POV

I curled up in Shuichi's shirt. His heartbeat. It was so nice to listen to. I gripped his clothing tighter.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered in a small voice.

Shuichi hummed in response, playing with my hair some more. I smiled, releasing his shirt to put my arms around him, kinda like a koala.

We stayed like that for who knows how long, listening to each others breathing and feeling his heartbeat until I realized Shuichi had fallen asleep. I smirked, getting an idea.

I slowly slipped from his grasp and lied him down on the bed so he could sleep. I went to the drawer that held all my miscellaneous random stuff and took out a Sharpie (I think you know where this is going >:3). I walked quietly back to where Shumai was laying and uncapped the marker.

With a devilish smile, I carefully drew a mustache, a pig, and some circles on his sleeping face. I felt bad. One, he helped me when I... tried to die... and two! I wish I had looked at his sleeping face a little bit more before I drew on it. He really was pretty, even when his eyes were closed.

My chest started aching. I knew what that meant. I ran into my newly cleaned bathroom and hacked a bunch of blue petals into the toilet, blood dripping from them. I wiped my chin, getting blood on my hand again. I tried clearing my throat, only for a whole  flower to be choked up. It was young, yes, but it hurt like hellfire. I coughed a few more times, letting blood drip from my mouth.

"Ugh... that's painful. Good thing I didn't make much of a mess..." I rasped to myself, trying to catch my breath.

I got up after a few moment and flushed the toilet. I turned to the sink and washed my face and hands, getting rid of all traces of blood. I knew I could trust Shuichi, but I didn't want him to worry about little old me!

After making sure I wasn't going to have another Hanahaki fit, I turned back around and walked into my room. I wasn't tired and I didn't want to accidentally wake Shuichi up, so I decided to go outside for some fresh air.

I opened my door and walked to the courtyard, sitting down on a bench. I took a deep breath and sighed contentedly, relaxing my muscles and closing my eyes. I missed the sun.

I heard two sets of footsteps walking towards my direction in the grass. I opened an eye to see Maki and Kaito approaching.

"Hey you guys! What's up?" I called out, genuinely curious about what they wanted to say.

"Kokichi, we need to talk." Maki said, stopping by my bench.

I decided to take Shuichi's advice to make a few friends. Internally groaning, I put on a smile.

"Then come sit down. What did you want to talk about?" I tilted my head to the side for added effect.

"Well, I was wondering..." Maki started.

"Do you know anything about this?" Kaito said, raising his hand to show a few blue petals in it. Wait a second... those were my petal! Small, dark blue, sunflower petals... yep, all boxes check. But I decided to play dumb.

"How did those get here? There aren't any flowers in the dome... did you find any actual flowers? And not just the petals?" I replied, hoping to convince them I didn't know anything.

"Well, no, we didn't. We've been asking around to see where they came from, but nobody seemed to know. We found them on the floor by the gym doors a few hours ago, but we have no guesses." Maki explained.

I sighed in relief. They didn't know my secret.

"Well, if you don't know anything and I don't know anything, then you should keep asking other people. No use squeezing out a dry sponge!" I waved at them as they left, murmuring between themselves. I yawned.

May as well go back to my dorm. See how Shuichi's doing.

(Word Count: 1224)

I didn't feel like editing this chapter cause it would just make me sad all over again. I rlly hate doing this to my children, but it must be done. Anyways, leave criticism here. Also, please comment! I love reading them! Goodbye for now!

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