7. Refuse To Lose You (Good Ending)

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YAY!! Good ending time! Sorry I didn't update very soon, I finished Omori yesterday night and couldn't bring myself to write fluff. But now is the time!! I hope you all enjoy! Also, this takes place right after Chapter 6, not the bad ending!

Shuichi's POV

"It would save me the pai-" Kokichi suddenly stopped talking, his eyes wide with shock. I noticed he wasn't really breathing and he had a hand grabbing his chest. He coughed and pink blood splattered all over his other hand.

"Shit-!" He coughed again, this time bringing up more flower petals than blood. In a panic, adrenaline raced though me as I tried to think of ways to help. Kokichi fell out of his chair and I darted off the bed to run and catch him as he was dropping.

"Kokichi!" My voice quivered as I yelled. No... no no no no no no no NO!! You can't die yet Kokichi! Not now! Not when I still have things to tell you...

"Can't *cough* breathe-!" Kokichi grabbed at his throat, as if trying to pull away a wire that was strangling him. I put an arm underneath his upper back and lifted him up into a sitting position, trying to see if that could help him breathe a bit better. I didn't want to watch him suffer.

"Kokichi, uh, what can I do to help you?! Um..." I frantically glanced around. I spotted two crows out the window. Probably cutouts Monokuma made to make us feel worse. Stupid Saihara, now isn't the time!

In between coughs, Kokichi tried to speak, but was never given enough time to form an actual coherent sentence.

"I *cough* tell you *cough* who..? *cough*" Kokichi rasped, wincing at the physical pain from the petals, and probably in embarrassment. I knew the second feeling all too well.

"Tell me who you love?" I asked, wanting Kokichi to at least admit his feelings before he died. Even if it wasn't me, it would probably help him find peace. I didn't have time to be selfish.

Kokichi nodded, receiving a small break from his choking in the process.

"I guess I lied again when I said I would rather die not telling anybody..." Kokichi gave a small cough, splattering some more blood on his checkered scarf.

"Kokichi, now isn't the time for jokes!" I called loudly. I didn't mean to be that loud, but the panta boy in front of me flinched.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

He sighed.

"The person I love..." He cleared his throat as I waited impatiently.

"I love you, Saihara-chan... Please don't hate me..." After his love confession, he began to cough again, worse than before. I could only sit there for a few moments, shocked.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry *cough* I'm-" I cut Kokichi off.

"I love you too Kokichi. I'm sorry. I should have said something sooner. Please don't leave me!" I pulled the smaller teen into a tight embrace.

"I refuse to lose you." My voice came as a tight whisper. If he wasn't lying, then the Hanahaki would automatically lose it's grip. I hoped he was telling the truth. I wouldn't be able to handle his loss.

"Shumai..? You aren't lying... I can.. breathe again?" Kokichi spoke softly, almost confused. My heart throbbed for him. He was so confused as to why I loved him back. That much was so, so obvious it hurt. I squeezed him tighter.

"Why would I lie to you. I love you after all!" I smiled into Kokichi's purple hair, then let out a small laugh.

"I thought it was obvious I liked you, ha ha! I'm surprised you didn't figure it out sooner!" I moved Kokichi so that he was facing me as we sat on the floor.

"So. You love me?" I asked, my voice laced with banter.

Kokichi's eyes fell to the floor as his face turned red.

"W-ell, yeah, I- I su-suppose. I love you. Yes. I do!" He faced me, his eyes blazing indignantly.

"Aw, I love you too! So... are we a... thing now?" I hesitantly asked. I wonder how Kokichi would react.

"S-sure, if you want to!" Kokichi smiled, his eyes sparkling. I loved when his eyes sparkled like that.

Instead of answering, I pulled Kokichi into as kiss, closing my eyes. I had no idea what I was doing. The other teen was stiff, and when I opened my eyes a bit, I noticed his were wide with shock. After a moment though, his eyes closed and he relaxed into the kiss. I wanted this moment to last forever. Kokichi in my arms, nobody around to bother us, no killing game.

We pulled away from each other at the same time, gazing into each others eyes. we were interrupted by a voice coming from a speaker. It was Tsumugi. The monitor in my room turned on as she spoke, showing Monokuma and herself on a chair with popcorn.

"*Squeal* I have come to deliver an important message to everybody participating in the killing game! You guys are all free to leave. No more killing or suspicion or anything!" I was confused. Why was Tsumugi there?

Monokuma spoke next

"If you guys are wondering why your precious Tsumugi is up here, it's because she is helping make the killing game. Don't worry about it, that doesn't matter. BUT! What does matter is that two of the killing participants have fallen in love~" I stiffened a bit. I forgot they were watching the whole thing.

Tsumugi continued.

"Anyways, I just couldn't leave these precious lovebirds to possibly die in here, so we decided to let all of you go! Also, if you are wondering who got together, well! Find out for yourself!" The monitor clicked off and I heard a faint rumbling coming from outside. The exit?

"Kokichi, we can leave.." I whispered, glancing at him again. His eyes looked hopeful.

"Yes. We can." He stood up and reached for my hand. "Let's go home!"

(Word count: 974)

I didn't edit this cause I'm busy doing a thing, but ya, everybody escaped the killing game because Tsumugi liked to ship people. I hope you enjoyed this! Also, sorry if it was a bit short, I'm not very good at writing fluff. :<

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