Fate's Call

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Taehyung was hopping through the streets of the Hybe City. He was just done completing his "City Life Photography" assignment and the client had paid him a considerable amount of money. The highest amount that he got yet in a project in his two years of career in photography. The Alphas and Betas on the streets glanced at the Omega Tae from afar, consuming the beautiful sight of the beautiful Omega, as he smiled his boxy smile, momentarily licking on his strawberry flavoured cone ice cream. He then took a taxi to his home.

"Jungkookie's message?" He uttered, as he received a message from the younger boy. "V Hyung! My graduation ceremony has went well. I am currently at your home with my parents. We all are waiting for you to reach home. We'll celebrate together," - wrote Jungkook. "Eeeee! Congratulations!" -replied Taehyung.

Taehyung reached his home in a happy mood, and he at once ran to his grandmother's room to hug her like everyday. He got confused by the sudden silence in the room, in presence of all (Tae's parents, Jungkook's parents, Jungkook, Tae & Tae's grandmother). "What happened? Why is everyone so silent all of a sudden, weren't you all in a mood for celebration before my arrival? Grandma! Are you alright?" Tae got tensed, and sat beside his grandmother on her bed.

"Tae! Now that Jungkook has graduated, the two of you should get married. Your grandmother keeps worrying about you a lot. She wants to see you get settled with someone soon. She wants to see your pups. Jungkook and you and our families have known each other for years. I think it's about time that you get married. Infact, both of your careers are in photography. You have now started to earn well. Jungkook is younger, but still I believe that he will work hard to keep you happy. You two have our support too," said Tae's mother. "Yes, the two of you will be able to take care of each other," added Jungkook's mother. Tae & JK's fathers chose to stay quiet.

Tae shared a glance with Jungkook and held his grandmother's hands affectionately with a small smile on his face. His grandmother cupped his cheeks and said "Taehyungah...my love...would you do me a favour? It's a five to six hours journey to the Mikrocosmos Village. On the way to the Mikrocosmos Village, there comes a mysterious Purple Village, which you would get by the Highway. At the meeting point of the purple Village and the Mikrocosmos Village, there comes a forest in which star flowers grow. I always had a dream of growing star-flowers in my garden. Also, watching the full moon night sky from the peak view point of the Mikrocosmos Village is said to bring eternal love and happiness to couples. I want you and Jungkook to journey to the Mikrocosmos Village tomorrow and bring me star flower plants from there," Tae's grandmother expressed her wish.

"But our Jungkookie has not drove to any place which is That far from the Hybe City yet," Jungkook's mother got a bit tensed. "Don't worry, our Jungkookie is maturing. He is an Alpha and he is getting married to Tae soon. So, he needs to learn to take responsibilities," said Jungkook's father, placing a hand upon his wife's shoulder to assure her.

"Alright, grandma! I'll surely bring you star flower plants from that place and travel with Jungkookie, if it's your wish," said Tae and Jungkook gave him an assuring nod.
[Next Morning]

"We might have the need to stay there for a couple of days. So, plz don't get tensed if we are late by one or two days. I have heard that the network over there is very poor," Tae told his parents and his grandma, who was sitting outside on a chair, watching Tae loading his luggages into Jungkook's car. They drove off, after waving back to their family members.

"V Hyung! I have searched on the internet about the places. The images were breathtakingly beautiful. Thankfully, both of us have brought our cameras with us. Can't wait to capture those amazing sceneries on our way," Jungkook sounded excited, while driving. Taehyung lowered his glass and took a few pictures of the scenic beauties that he could spot on their way.

Four hours have passed since their journey begun and now all they could see on both sides of the road was purple coloured flowers. "It looks like we have entered into the Purple Village," said Jungkook. Taehyung's jaw dropped completely. He never thought that such a place was existing in this world. Their car was speeding up on the highway and then all of a sudden, there was a breakdown of their car's engine and the two of them almost hit their heads on the front glass of the car with the sudden stopping force.

"Are you okay?" Tae asked Jungkook as his forehead was bleeding. Tae took out ointments and band aids from the first aid kit and mended to Jungkook's injury. "Thank you," Jungkook thanked Taehyung, before getting out of the car and checking the engine. "Shit!" Cursed Jungkook as he saw that their car's engine had some severe mechanical damages. "What would we do now?" Tae got tensed as the place was completely devoid of any civilization.

It was almost the sunset hour now and no other car had passed by in that one hour of their standing there. Jungkook tried calling up some emergency helplines but the poor network wasn't helping at all.

Suddenly, Jungkook sniffed and could feel an Alpha and a beta approaching towards the two of them. Tae at once stood behind Jungkook as the Alpha and the Beta stopped in front of the two of them on that lonely highway. "Do you need any help? It looks like your car's engine has got damaged. We have our Car Wash & Servicing Centre nearby," said the tall well-built Alpha.

Jungkook and Taehyung were not sure whether to believe them or not. Tae peeked at the smiling Beta, who's magical sunshine smile brought a hope to him as well as to Jungkook. So, they decided to drop their guards and receive help from the two of them. "I am RM from the Bangtan Car Wash & Servicing Centre and he is JHope from the same place. So, shall we take your car for servicing the parts?" asked RM.

"Alright, where is it? I can't see it?" Jungkook tried to spot the said Car Wash & Servicing Centre. "It's just down there from the Highway to the right side, Sir," replied JHope.

Jungkook helped RM & JHope in pushing the car down from the Highway and thus, the four of them headed towards the Bangtan Car Wash & Servicing Centre.


FOAM - Fate Of A Mate || Taejin || Jikook☑️Where stories live. Discover now