Back to their Senses

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"Grrrrrrrr!" Jungkook growled as RM took a step forward. Jimin woke up stretching his arms. Still in heat, he felt the need to hug his Alpha tightly. Jungkook immediately calmed down and shifted his focus to his Omega.

Soon, both the old woman and RM noticed their bite marks. Worry overtook him. "It's of no use, they are in their heat and rut. Give them their space. Wait till their heat & rut ends. You can stay in a hut till then," the old lady suggested.

'I don't even know if Suga & JHope are back to normal again. I should contact Jin and inform him about the entire situation' RM thought in his mind, closing the hut's door behind him to give privacy to Jungkook and Jimin.

Jin's phone rang but then he didn't pick it up (or couldn't pick it up coz it was in the car while he was in a cave into the forest with Tae). RM got a bit frustrated by everything that were happening, so, he decided to give in and stay at a hut there, as the old woman suggested.
[After 3 days]

It was around 6:40 am in the morning. Taehyung and Jin were lying naked in a small cave. Tae's jar containing the star flowers, Jin's shirt (stained with Jin's cum) that Tae was wearing right before the erotic events happened, and Jin's denims too were lying on one side of the small cave. Tae's heat was over now. He turned to one side in his sleep and at once opened his eyes widely as he felt someone's presence right beside him. Cuddling him. "Y-You????.....Oh My God!.....W-why are we....n-naked?......don't tell me we......," Tae was in complete shock. Jin slowly woke up and saw Taetae covering himself up hastily with his shirt.

Jin recalled the incidents. How Tae was in heat and how his rut suppressant wasn't enough to suppress his rut for a longer time. And they ended up...having sex.

"Taehyung Ssii....I can explain," Seokjin tried. "Please stop it! Let's just get out of here. It's so suffocating. I can't believe we-. Where are my shorts?" Taetae cried out of frustration, while buttoning up Jin's shirt, looking for his pants.

"Ah! As far as I remember, it's in the car," Jin replied softly. "Then how did I end up here in a small cave without my pants????" Tae accused Jin. "Taehyung Ssii, you came here in just my shirt to collect the jar that you had left behind-" Jin tried to explain.
"And then you followed me till here and raped me!" Tae cried, putting on Jin's denims. "Taehyung Ssii, those are my denims," Jin stopped him midway. "Then do you want me to go out without pants??" Taetae shouted at him.

"Taehyung's not like that. If you give me my denims, I can just go out and bring you your clothes from the car," Jin suggested.

"And what if a wild animal comes in and eats me up? But then You obviously wouldn't care if I die," Taetae cried.

Jin, who was zipping up his pants after taking it from Tae at once kneeled down and looked straight at the pretty Omega fondly but with a pinch of rage. "If I didn't care about you then I would not have come here to look for you. I was worried coz I could feel that you were already in your pre-heat when you left from the Car Wash. I brought Jungkookie's car with me and I even used a rut suppressant. I tried everything that I could to ensure your safety. But then your heat triggered my rut. And I lost my control.....I tried....I'm sorry......plz trust me in this. I'll keep you safe here, don't worry," saying this, Jin stood up and brought a huge boulder from nearby and placed it at the mouth of the small cave to keep Tae safe till he returned with his clothes.

While Jin was gone, Tae's mind was having it's own battle. He was shocked and fuming at Jin for what had happened between them. He was worried about his family, grandma and Jungkook. How would they react to all of these. He was now also feeling an unknown attraction to his Alpha. Jin.

And as Jin promised, he did come back with Tae's clothes. "Turn your face plz! Let me change!" Taetae almost scolded the Alpha. And the Alpha had no choice but to listen to his Omega.

They were walking towards the Highway where the car was parked. Jin offered to carry Taetae's jar but the Omega refused to give it to him. Suddenly, Tae's feet just gave up and he fell on the ground but his hands still managed to keep the glass jar safe. "Taehyung Ssii!" Jin at once kneeled down and picked him up and carried him to the car. Tae's body was week. During those few days of heat, his body had consumed a lot of energy. He hadn't eaten anything and Jin and him were having sex for three days & three nights straight.

"Jhope? Suga?" Jin was surprised to see the two of them connecting Jungkook's car to their Jeep. "RM called us. We got worried. We came here looking for you two. Jump in. Let's go back," said JHope, who was sitting on the driver seat with Suga beside him. Jin sat on the back seat and placed Tae's head on his lap, as they drove back to the Bangtan Car Wash Centre in Purple Village.
[At the Bangtan Car Wash Centre]

RM too was back with Jungkook and Jimin. They had to travel back on a mini truck, loading RM's bicycle and their backpacks on it. Ofcourse, coz it was impossible for RM to bring both Jimin and Jungkook back on his bicycle..👀

After getting freshed up, they all United outside and sat together to talk things out. "Those things were not supposed to happen," Jungkook was still in shock. He was now worried about a lot of stuffs.

"I know, those things were not supposed to happen, but now that it had already happened, you all can't change the past. What you can do is..accept the past and just move on," RM suggested.

"Easier said than done.....I-I know I was at fault...plz forgive me if you can, Jungkook Ssii..Taehyung Ssii...," Jimin wept and ran away from there. JHope and Suga went after him to console him. Jin looked at Tae to check up on him. Tae was looking upset and mad. So, Jin decided to speak up. "Taehyung Ssii...Jungkook Ssii...if there would have been a way to correct the wrong....I had no intention to cause you two trouble....I just got worried when you went out alone..," Jin confessed. "You know, it was better to just die than to get raped by an Alpha like you," Taetae clinched his fists and replied angrily. "Taehyung hyung-" Jungkook subconsciously tried to defend Jin. Why? Coz he too had the same thing running in his mind all this time since him and Jimin came back to their senses. What if Jimin too thought that he took advantage of him?


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